The students’ union at the University of Stirling has voted to ban all meat and dairy products from outlets on campus.

Vegetarian meat free burgers

The union will offer vegan alternatives to meat across its outlets on campus.

The vote means that only plant-based alternatives will be offered to students from 2025. However, student union officials are demanding that 50% of food options are made vegan in the coming year.

In 2020, University of Edinburgh students rejected a similar proposal.

Around 100 attendees joined the meeting where the vote was held. The University’s total student population sits around 17,000.

The Plant-Based Universities (PBU) campaign proposed the vote, and the exercise has since been supported by BBC presenter and conservationist, Chris Packham. Tweeting his support for the campaign, Packham said: “Young people doing it for themselves.”

Illogical ban

The Countryside Alliance called the ban “illogical,” suggesting that the union should instead consider offering locally sourced meat and dairy with low food miles.

A spokesman for the Country Alliance said that the university should demonstrate their support for Scottish farmers by ensuring they continue to supply meat and dairy, irrespective of what its students’ union decide to do.

Stephen Kerr, Conservative MSP for Central Scotland tweeted in response to the vote. He said: “Were students properly consulted before this move was made? I'm guessing not.

“A worrying indictment of student politics. It's also very unusual to ban British-raised chicken and beef on environmental grounds, while importing avocado, asparagus...”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.