Now in its seventh year, the initiative has been backed by industry members such as Quality Meat Scotland and the National Farmers' Union (NFU).

Scotch LAmb from QMS

The initiative aims to encourage consumers to add UK lamb to their weekly shop during its peak season and to promote the benefits of “fresh, tasty, local, sustainable lamb.”

As part of the campaign, Quality Meat Scotland will introduce the next phase of their ‘Make it with Field Cred’ campaign. The promotion looks to “further deepen understanding around what buying Scotch [meat] really means.”

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) will also showcase the next wave of their “We Eat Balanced” campaign. Within this promotion, AHDB aim to target misinformation surrounding food and nutrition, by providing an online platform for consumers to research all the major vitamins and minerals found in their foods.

NFU Scotland has called the initiative “an opportunity to reinforce the sustainable and welfare credentials of Scottish sheep farming and lamb production.” The union explained: “Across the UK, 70% of sheep live on land that we can’t grow crops on, and in Scotland the majority of this is hill land with the grazing supporting biodiversity and carbon storage.

“The weather and landscape in Scotland make it one of the most suitable places in the world to sustainably farm and produce lamb and we need to use every opportunity we get – including Love Lamb Week - to push that message to the consumer.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
