Since the appointment of Boris Johnson as the new prime minister Meat Management has received further reaction from industry.

[gallery type="slideshow" ids="|PTF director general, Andrew Kuyk.,|AIMS head of policy, Norman Bagley,|BMPA chief executive, Nick Allen."]

BMPA chief executive, Nick Allen: "BMPA has consistently urged government to work closely with industry to achieve the required outcomes and we are keen to work with the new PM’s team in the context of securing a negotiated exit from the EU. However, we would caution that there are no feasible short term alternatives to the EU market, and a no-deal Brexit will be catastrophic for meat processors and livestock producers alike.

"In the case of a negotiated deal, the industry continues to have concerns in key areas such as access to labour and we hope the new team will have another look at this. It’s also important to stress that any new regulations which seek to purportedly enhance the UK’s position on things like animal welfare and environmental performance need to take full account of our competitive position on world markets without the protection of the Single Market.

"For the businesses to invest, the industry needs to have confidence that the future will be stable and secure, and they need confidence in the government. It is now for the new government under a new leader to earn that confidence, and the best way to do that is to work closely with industry."

AIMS head of policy, Norman Bagley: “Boris is a big picture man for sure so the big issue is what his team will look like. That will define everything. We certainly don’t need a rabid environmentalist that’s for sure like Natural England, more someone who listens to the science not the unsubstantiated hubris trotted out by Thunberg et al”.

PTF director general, Andrew Kuyk, CBE: “Now that the UK leadership question is finally decided, our highest priority is to find a constructive way out of the current Brexit impasse, which is already costing money, jobs and opportunities for the future. From the outset of this process, we have been clear and consistent in our messaging to government about the importance of securing terms of trade which are as free and frictionless as possible with the widest range of markets – and of having access to the skills, labour and investment we need to meet the growing challenges of supplying consumers with secure, healthy, affordable and sustainable food against a background of climate change and other resource pressures. Half of the extra time we were given back in April has now gone, with no visible signs of progress. We are ready to give Boris Johnson and his new team all the help we can in moving things forward – and in preparing for all possible outcomes.”

  • For earlier reaction to Johnson's appointment click here.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.