A Harper Adams Masters student is investigating the factors which influence young people’s career selection and their perception of careers in the meat industry.

Y10 Pupils during manufacturing element e1681462335976

Do these Y10 pupils know just how many careers could be open to them in the meat industry?

Susan O’Neill said will be sharing her results with the industry but is appealing for help in promoting people to complete her survey: “The meat manufacturing sector in the UK is facing extreme labour shortages, and I hope to provide answers as to how the industry can increase recruitment rates. This information will also benefit the wider agri-food manufacturing industry as the information could be adapted to suit different sectors.

“To do so, I am trying to make contact with those who may have access to young people, for example- careers guidance providers, industry bodies that are in contact with schools and young people, Apprenticeship providers etc.”

Susan added: “There may be further plans to expand this research into how the meat industry can adapt to this feedback and I may call on key stakeholders to participate through surveys or interviews. If you are interested in participating please let me know and I will be in contact with you in due course.”

Tony Goodger, who looks after marketing and communications at the Assoiciation of Independent Meat Suppliers is fully supportive of Susan's work and that the sector has much to offer: "I have always worked in the food industry. I was 14 when I told my school’s career teacher that I wished to join the food industry and was fortunate as he did everything he could to encourage that through ‘O’ levels and ‘A’ levels and then on into higher education.

"I have worked for United Biscuits PLC (owners of McVities) as well as the MLC and AHDB and now AIMS, the UK’s largest post farm gate trade association for the meat and poultry industry.

"In terms of trying to increase recruitment rates it is essential I believe that possible entrants to the industry whichever start point they choose, shows them that this isn’t a job but a career. An opportunity to grow and be well rewarded throughout your working life. That the industry isn’t just a ‘blood and guts’ industry but is an industry of skill, IT, technology and the application of technology, people skills, engineering, product development, communication skills and much more.

"The weaknesses at present are obvious. Despite being the UK’s biggest manufacturing sector (bigger than aerospace and chemicals combined) there is no ‘T’ Level in food processing on offer."

To complete the survey click here.

Those interested in contacting Susan should email 13105900@live.harper.ac.uk .

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.