In this year’s virtual Nursing in Practice, Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) will discuss the health benefits of red meat with up to 28,000 nurses from all over the UK.

28000 Healthcare Professionals to Discuss the Benefits of Red Meat

The annual Nursing in Practice conference brings nurses and healthcare professionals together to hear the latest research and best-practice examples, this year taking place virtually over a 90-day stretch starting on the 15th September.

HCC will have a virtual booth for this year’s event with an opportunity to provide information to support thousands of health professionals when they give out dietary advice to their patients.

The organisation has also created resources and information based on scientific evidence and following Government guidelines regarding the positive role of red meat in a balanced diet.

As part of the 90-day event there will be live educational seminars, presentations, and debates from leading experts. From HCC’s virtual booth they will be able to engage with delegates visiting their stand throughout the festival.

“It is reassuring to speak with nurses and hear that the majority understand and know the array of amazing health benefits you can get from good quality red meat such as PGI Welsh Lamb and PGI Welsh Beef."

HCC consumer executive, Elwen Roberts, said: “This year’s virtual conference is a great opportunity to reach a much wider audience than usual.

“It is reassuring to speak with nurses and hear that the majority understand and know the array of amazing health benefits you can get from good quality red meat such as PGI Welsh Lamb and PGI Welsh Beef; reared in sustainable conditions under the highest animal welfare standards.”

Following the 2018 Nursing in Practice conference in Cardiff, results from a survey conducted by HCC recording delegates’ knowledge and attitude towards red meat showed that 95% of healthcare professionals who attended would recommend red meat as part of a healthy and balanced diet.

As well as being a key source of protein, the survey showed that health professionals were also aware that red meat provides a variety of additional nutritional benefits including iron, zinc, amino acids, vitamin D and importantly vitamin B12, which is only available from sources of animal origin. A lack of Vitamin B12 in the diet can lead to tiredness, reduced energy and muscle weakness.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.