All Important articles – Page 6

  • Peter Toholt

    Scots say positive environmental message about the industry is vital


    Speaking following the publication of a new study on global diets and climate change, published this week by Aberdeen University and Cambridge University, Jim McLaren, chairman of Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) said: “It is vital there is clarity and good understanding of the very positive environmental message our industry in ...

  • News

    Updated online meat industry statistics published


    An updated online library of facts and figures about the meat industry available free to levy payers and industry stakeholders has been published by EBLEX and BPEX.Meatstats, supplied by AHDB Market Intelligence, was launched in February, with 13 documents covering data including information abattoirs, global trade, national balance sheets, livestock ...

  • News

    Sheep industry needs to target over-fat lambs


    The percentage of British lambs reaching the target ‘R3L or better’ carcase quality specification remained stable in 2013 at 57.6%, up 0.1% from 2012, according to the latest figures released by EBLEX.EBLEX beef and sheep scientist, Dylan Laws said: "The results, which show the percentage of lambs meeting the specification ...

  • News

    Morrisons expands meat products volume providing jobs boost in the North West


    An increase in the volume of meat products being produced at the Morrisons Wharton Bridge facility in Winsford means 200 new jobs at the Cheshire processing plant.Group manufacturing director at Morrisons, Mark Harrison told The Winsford Guardian: “We are delighted at the success of the Winsford site over the last ...

  • Charles Sercombe

    Retailer beef margins come under fire


    The NFU has criticised the widening gap between the farm gate and retail price for beef.Figures released from EBLEX show farm gate prices have dropped while the price paid by consumers for beef has remained stable. The latest indication to March is that the producer share of final retail price ...

  • News

    UK sheep meat exports highest in over a decade


    Sheep meat exports from the UK in 2013 broke the 100,000-tonne barrier for the first time since 1999, according to EBLEX.UK export figures from HMRC revealed that total shipments of fresh and frozen sheep meat last year reached 103,176 tonnes, up 9% on the year, with growth in both EU ...

  • Chris Thomas CEO Tulip Ltd: "We already export over 41,000 tonnes of pig meat globally, however, we see potential for enormous future growth in the Chinese market."

    Tulip sets its sights on Chinese expansion


    Tulip Ltd, is pushing ahead with ambitious plans to build upon trade links with the Chinese pig meat market.The company started exporting pork products to China in 2012 following a successful UK trade mission in 2011, which culminated in a landmark deal signed in May 2012, worth approximately £50m to ...

  • News

    UK needs a vibrant farming industry


    Food and Farming Minister George Eustice believes that the UK needs a vibrant farming industry.Speaking at the AHDB's Outlook conference he recognises that since the 1980s there has been a massive shift in the country’s need for self-sufficiency. The Minister suggested that more marginal land will be needed for sustainable ...

  • BPC chief executive, Andrew Large.

    Government needs to do more to secure UK poultry exports


    A survey by the British Poultry Council has found that only a quarter of members think the government is doing enough to secure UK poultry exports to growing markets. Half are not sure what the government is currently doing, while a further quarter thinks the government needs to do more.The ...