IMTA Manifesto 2019

The International Meat Trade Association (IMTA) has launched its manifesto. It contains a summary of IMTA’s position on key issues facing the sector. It covers the essential role of meat, specifically in regards to imports in the UK, the importance of market access for UK exports, consultation with stakeholders, and the UK-EU future economic partnership.Highlighting key concepts for the meat trade such as carcase balance, the manifesto will be shared with stakeholders and policymakers to highlight the key issues facing our members. Central points include:

  • Imports made up 40.5% of meat consumed in the UK in 2018. They are therefore vital for the UK’s food security.
  • The government should invest in securing access to more export markets for British beef, lamb, pork and poultrymeat.
  • The UK government should run full consultations on the future tariff policy and import regime. The input of key stakeholders, including IMTA members, will ensure a functional and informed approach.
  • The Future Economic Partnership between the UK and the EU should ensure as free and frictionless trade as is feasible.

IMTA CEO Katie Doherty said: “With the very uncertain political climate, our members really need clarity about what the trading relationship will look like for the UK with the EU and further afield. Our manifesto lays out our key asks of those in government to deliver the best possible outcome for our members and the wider industry.”IMTA is the leading UK association for the UK meat trade, representing importers and exporters of beef, lamb, pork and poultrymeat. It believes two-way trade is essential to deliver carcase balance, food security and consumer choice.You can read the whole manifesto by clicking here.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.