Latest Industry News – Page 151

  • HCC19020 HCC helping teachers to give children the facts on balanced diets

    HCC helping teachers to give children diet facts


    Hybu Cig Cymru / Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) is aiming to help Welsh schools teach children the facts about healthy balanced diets by funding teacher training courses. It is also helping to provide resources to support teaching food in the curriculum.HCC’s Elwen Roberts has delivered a number of training events ...

  • Michael Gove.

    Eustice replacement confirmed at Defra


    Prime Minister Theresa May has appointed Scarborough and Whitby MP Robert Goodwill to the role of Minister of State for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food at Defra.Robert Goodwill has been appointed to the role of Minister of State for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food at Defra. (Photo Credit: Secretary of State ...

  • Stuart Ashworth 2 e1544632673230

    UK sheepmeat market cools as Brexit uncertainty continues


    UK prime sheep prices have fallen by 4% over the past month to currently stand 14% lower than a year ago, according to the latest market analysis by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS).Stuart Ashworth, QMS head of economic services.Stuart Ashworth, QMS director of Economics Services explained: “The level change on last ...

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    Danish Crown announce sustainability goals


    Danish Crown has confirmed its intention to build a position as the world’s leading producer of sustainable meat, and will achieve this by halving its climate footprint per kilogramme of pork by 2030.Before the end of 2019, 90% of the pigs supplied to Danish Crown’s Danish abattoirs will come from ...

  • wim logo

    Women In Meat Awards celebrates International Women’s Day


    Organisers of the annual Women In Meat Industry Awards, YPL Exhibitions & Events, have confirmed the ongoing support of Ladies In Pigs and Ladies In Beef, for this year’s initiative, which commences in June.The annual ceremony, will once again take place at Royal Garden Hotel in Kensington.The annual ceremony, where ...

  • HCC Chief Executive Gwyn Howells. e1551951237283

    Wales calls for assurances over vets and other workers after Brexit


    Speaking to Welsh Assembly members this week the chief executive of Hybu Cig Cymru HCC / Meat Promotion Wakes, Gwyn Howells, said that the Welsh meat industry needs an assurance that systems will be in place to allow it to employ enough workers and vets from EU countries after Brexit, ...

  • HCC19019 Welsh lamb and beef industry hopes for Japanese success in 2019

    Welsh lamb and beef hopes for Japanese success


    Rugby fans are aware that it’s now less than 200 days until the start of the Rugby World Cup 2019 in Japan, but another Welsh team is aiming to make an early impact, as a delegation of red meat exporters head to the important Foodex trade fair in Tokyo.HCC has ...

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    RSPCA praises Waitrose commitment to chicken welfare


    The RSPCA says it is celebrating the news that the supermarket chain Waitrose has become the latest company to commit to a significant improvement in meat chicken welfare.The RSPCA is urging other supermarkets to commit to raising welfare standards across their supply chain of chicken by 2026.The organisation point out ...

  • Jennifer Robertson

    Red meat in children’s diets highlighted


    The important role of red meat in children’s diets is set to be part of a Children in Scotland conference being held at Queen Margaret University on Wednesday 20th March 2019.Jennifer Robertson, QMS Health and Education manager.The conference “Biting back: Transforming food experiences for Scotland’s children”, is sponsored by Quality ...

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    Carcase splitting delay is ‘huge setback for the sheep sector'


    Defra’s announcement that a fixed cut-off date for carcase splitting will no longer be implemented in time for the 2019 season has been described as a 'huge setback'.The NFU and other industry organisations have campaigned for over a decade to change the way lambs are aged from dentition checks to ...

  • FM8R8545 m 3

    Butchery Apprenticeship Survey – have your say


    The Food and Drink Training and Education Council (ftc) is running a new stakeholder consultation on butchery apprenticeships that gives stakeholders an opportunity to comment on their experience.The ftc has played a key role in helping design butchery apprenticeships.The review is timely say ftc as the Level 2 Butcher Standard ...

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    Hunt to find the UK’s most skilful butchers


    A nationwide hunt has been launched to find talented butchers to compete in the Butchery WorldSkills UK competition 2019.To enter, butchers do not need qualifications, but must not have completed a qualification higher than a level 4 in Food Manufacturing Excellence or equivalent.The competition focuses on all the essential skills ...

  • DR Jonathan Birnie

    New research gives boost to Red Tractor


    At a time of great uncertainty for British food exports, and consumer confidence at home because of Brexit, an international benchmarking study of global farm assurance schemes has concluded that the UK Red Tractor farm and food assurance structure offers some of the highest standards world-wide.The event was hosted by ...

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    Irish plan to increase veterinary inspectors


    The Irish government has confirmed that it is advertising a £3.4m contract to recruit vets to carry out animal inspections in the event of a potential no-deal Brexit.However, it still remains unclear whether any checks could take place at the Irish border. Northern Ireland has already recruited additional vets and ...

  • Meat product judging

    MM Meat Industry Awards product deadline 6th March


    With the final deadline for product nominations and voting this week, YPL Exhibitions & Events are reminding participants that those wishing to enter products or vote should act without delay.Previous product judging for the MM Meat Industry Awards.Emma Cash of YPL, the event organiser, told Meat Management: “Nominations for product ...

  • US Ambassador to the UK, Robert Wood Johnson

    US Ambassador claims hormone-fed beef and chlorine washed chicken are myths


    In an article for Saturday’s Daily Telegraph, fears over chlorine-washed chicken and hormone-fed beef are described as ‘myths’, by Woody Johnson, the US ambassador to the UK. Mr Johnson urged the UK to embrace US farming methods after Washington published its objectives for a UK-US trade deal. US Ambassador to ...

  • Moy Park awards BPC Scholarship

    Top students awarded scholarships


    Moy Park has awarded top performing Harper Adams University students with coveted scholarships as part of the British Poultry Council (BPC) Scholarship scheme.Pictured (L-R) at the ceremony is Ross Armstrong, Broiler Manager, Moy Park, Harper Adams University students Ifan Huws and Connie Reeves and Nicola Hayward of Moy Park.Connie Reeves ...

  • Cranswick construction 1

    Cranswick partner with Marel for greenfield poultry plant


    For its new UK greenfield primary processing plant at Eye in Suffolk, Cranswick Poultry PLC is to join forces with Marel Poultry, who will install what is described as a state-of-the-art 15,000 birds per hour (bph) processing line.Cranswick says it wants to operate the most efficient poultry process in the ...

  • Nick Allen

    George Eustice quits the Government – trade reaction


    Following the Prime Minister’s decision to allow a vote on delaying Brexit, the Agriculture Minister, George Eustice, has resigned from the government.Farming Minister George Eustice.The MP said it would be "dangerous" to go to the EU "cap in hand at the 11th hour and beg for an extension". Mr Eustice ...

  • FM8R4065

    Meat export orders cancelled due to Brexit


    The British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) have reported that despite Brexit still being 31 days away, the axe has already fallen for some British meat exporters.BMPA chief executive, Nick Allen.According to BMPA, companies are reporting that overseas customers are now cancelling orders and buying their product from other countries due ...