A nationwide hunt has been launched to find talented butchers to compete in the Butchery WorldSkills UK competition 2019.

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To enter, butchers do not need qualifications, but must not have completed a qualification higher than a level 4 in Food Manufacturing Excellence or equivalent.

The competition focuses on all the essential skills required for a successful career as a multi-skilled butcher within the food manufacturing industry.

The butchery competition is organised by Weshpool-based training provider Cambrian Training Company and supported by an Industry Steering Group.

Butchers are tested for overall skill, innovation, creativity, presentation, work ethic, method and approach to tasks, carcass and primal utilisation, waste and safe and hygienic working practice.

The competition delivers benefits to not only apprentices and students, but also to their employers, training providers and colleges.

Taking part in the competitions equips apprentices with the world-class skills needed to help organisations maintain their competitive edge.

Competing against the best butchers in the UK is a great learning experience and the publicity attached to the competition provides an opportunity for employers to showcase the talent they are nurturing within their business.

To enter, butchers do not need qualifications, but must not have completed a qualification higher than a level 4 in Food Manufacturing Excellence or equivalent.

They must possess good knife and primary and secondary butchery skills, including seam butchery, with a minimum of six months practical experience, good tying and stringing skills, sausage making experience and ability to work under pressure in front of an audience.

Butchers have from March 1st until April 5th to register online and can register their interest here.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.