All News articles – Page 139

  • Prince Heads to Royal Welsh Show

    Prince visits Royal Welsh Show to hear about sustainable farming the ‘Welsh way’


    As part of his visit to the opening day of the Royal Welsh Show, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales met with a number of farmers who are spearheading a drive by Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) to promote the sustainable, low-intensity way in which Welsh ...

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    Love Lamb Week gains backing from £1.4m campaign


    Love Lamb Week 2019 will kick start the second phase of AHDB’s £1.4 million lamb marketing campaign, which highlights its delicious flavour.Using the tag, ‘Lamb hits you in the chops’ the campaign and the week, which runs from 1st to 7th September, begin at a time when British lamb is ...

  • LMCs Education Services Manager Cherrie Kenny

    LMC’s school cookery demonstrations reach over 7,000 pupils


    Between September 2018 and March 2019, the Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland (LMC) carried out 350 post-primary school beef and lamb cookery demonstrations reaching over 7,000 pupils from across the Province.LMC’s team of experienced demonstrators visited post-primary schools across Northern Ireland educating pupils and teachers about how to ...

  • HCC19063 HCC Chair warns industry of “disastrous” No deal Brexit lamb price fall

    HCC chairman warns industry of 'disastrous' No-deal Brexit lamb price fall


    New research shows that Welsh lamb farmers could face a 24 per cent drop in market prices caused by a near wipeout of exports if the UK pursues a ‘disastrous’ No-Deal Brexit in October at the height of the lamb export season, Hybu Cig Cymru’s chairman, Kevin Roberts, told industry ...

  • Alan Clarke QMS

    Scottish red meat industry unites behind 'Meat With Integrity Campaign'


    A host of organisations involved in the production of beef, lamb and pork in Scotland are uniting behind a brand new campaign to raise the profile of the industry’s environmental and animal welfare credentials.Among the organisations supporting Quality Meat Scotland’s 'Meat With Integrity' campaign are NFU Scotland, the Scottish Association ...

  • 0719 Four Presidents

    UK farming unions outline urgent measures needed to address current beef price crisis


    The presidents of the four UK farming unions have met at the 100th Royal Welsh Show at Llanelwedd, in Wales, to call for urgent and collaborative action across the whole supply chain to support farmers affected by the ongoing beef price crisis.The four presidents at the Royal Welsh Show. L-R: ...

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    New study provides insight into Brexit impacts for beef and lamb sectors


    A new report reveals the full extent of Brexit’s potential implications for British beef and lamb supply chains.The study, commissioned by levy bodies AHDB, Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) and Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) and conducted by The Andersons Centre, explores in detail the impact of tariff ...

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    Levy bodies’ £2m campaign boosts positive messaging on meat


    Positive messaging on meat, as a result of a joint project from the levy bodies in England, Scotland and Wales, is now entering its second year.The collective initiative, funded by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) and Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC), ...

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    Destroying sheep post-Brexit is worst case scenario and can be avoided if the right steps are taken now, says NSA


    The National Sheep Association (NSA) is clear that contingency support, if done correctly, would be sufficient to support the industry and prevent the mass slaughter of lambs in the event of a no-deal Brexit.NSA has been working on potential contingency plans for a number of years and refutes the proposal, ...

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    Scottish beef burgers readily available but not at all supermarkets


    Last week NFU Scotland members and staff took part in a burger shelf watch, identifying the volumes of home-produced beef burgers available on Scottish supermarket shelves.The secret shoppers counted over 2,500 packs of burgers across some of the largest national grocery chains. Shelf watch results demonstrated that an overwhelming 96 ...

  • George Eustice

    George Eustice and AIMS clash in debate around religious slaughter


    Following the story run by Meat Management last week former Agriculture Minister, George Eustice, requested the right of response to views expressed by AIMS (Association of Independent Meat Suppliers) on stunning immediately after the cut in religious slaughter.AIMS, the UK trade association which represents the majority of abattoirs, had previously ...

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    New £3m fund launched to help meat and food companies fight food waste


    Meat and fish businesses are being urged to apply for new funding to help them redistribute their edible surplus food to frontline charities, instead of sending it to anaerobic digestion or landfill.The £3m FareShare Surplus with Purpose Fund is open to new companies, as well as companies that already work ...

  • staurt

    Pig prices see steady increase


    Scottish pig producers are benefiting from a slow and persistent rise in farmgate prices which have climbed 10% since the beginning of April to stand currently 8% above last year’s level, according to the latest analysis by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS).QMS's Stuart Ashworth.However, while this is positive for the pig ...

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    Food Standards Agency's new CEO to start in September


    The Food Standards Agency has announced the appointment of Emily Miles as its new chief executive.Emily Miles will begin her new role as CEO of the Food Standards Agency in September.Emily is currently the acting director-general for the EU Exit Delivery Group in Defra and will join the FSA in ...

  • KFC Bucket featuring RT logo

    KFC is latest signatory to 'European Chicken Commitment'


    According to Compassion in World Farming, momentum is building behind a broiler revolution with pledges from a growing number of businesses to sign up to the European Chicken Commitment. Over 30 companies have signed up in Europe including M&S, Unilever, Nestlé, Waitrose, Danone and Elior Group and now the iconic ...

  • WIM 2

    Overwhelming response to Women In Meat Awards voting


    This year's Women In Meat Industry Awards is off to a flying start with organisers, YPL Exhibitions & Events, confirming that within four days of the voting forms going live online, over 2,000 votes had been received covering the 2019 finalists.Last year a total of 3,000 votes were received and ...

  • Andrew Cracknell CEO Tulip Ltd 1

    Tulip Ltd invests £10m in Redruth Site


    Tulip Ltd is investing £10m in its Redruth site in Cornwall to improve capability and capacity in its aim to create the UK’s leading bacon manufacturing centre of excellence.Andrew Cracknell, CEO of Tulip Ltd: “This investment comes on the back of a significant bacon contract win for Redruth."The investment includes ...

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    Pig Health and Welfare Council launches biennial report at the Great Yorkshire Show


    Valuable work around improving pig health and welfare in the UK has been highlighted in a new report launched at the Great Yorkshire Show.The new PHWC biennial report was unveiled by Dr Jane Downes MRCVS, chair of the Pig Health and Welfare Council (PHWC).At the event, Dr Downes also set ...

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    NFU Scotland calls on the nation to #BackScotchBeef during price slump


    A prolonged three-year low in the beef price is seriously impacting the incomes of farms and crofters across the country, warns NFU Scotland.NFUS president, Andrew McCormick: “The current price we are receiving for our beef is well out of step of our cost of production."As a result, the Union, which ...

  • MM Awards 2019 logo

    MM Meat Industry Awards - new film and photo gallery available online


    A new film of the recent Meat Management Industry Awards ceremony is now live online. Also available is a photo gallery capturing shots of the winners and various personalities who attended the ever popular annual event.The short video gives a flavour of Britain’s most successful meat industry awards initiative, where ...