Abattoir Equipment Supplies managing director, Kyle Savage has undertaken the National Three Peaks Challenge in the space of 24 hours to raise money for the Turner Syndrome Society.

Kyle and his group of childhood friends climbed Ben Nevis (1,345m, Scotland), Scafell Pike (978m, England) and Mount Snowdon (1,085m, Wales) one after another.

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Kyle and his friends undertook the national Three Peaks Challenge.

Kyle undertook the challenge to raise money for the condition Turner Syndrome, with which his daughter Mia, now nine, was diagnosed with at just 14 months old.

Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects about one in every 2,000 baby girls and only affects females.

The Three Peaks Challenge began for Kyle and the team on Saturday 15th September at Ben Nevis.

After hiking to the 4,411ft summit, the group descended back down and drove to the Peak District to begin their ascent of Scafell Pike.

From Scafell Pike the team then travelled to Snowdon and made their way to the summit, which was an intense mix of weather conditions including high winds and torrential rain.

The group ended up with a finish time of just over 24 hours in the end but completed the challenge.

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All the donations and sponsorship raised by Kyle Savage will be for the Turner Syndrome Society.

Kyle said: “We put ourselves through this mighty challenge to help our chosen charities. My daughter, Mia, who is now nine, was diagnosed with the condition when she was just 14 months.

“She has taken all the challenges it has thrown her in her short life with ease and I'm confident she will continue to do so throughout the rest of her life.

“The TSSS is a great charity as it helps build awareness for the condition and puts on regular events so girls and women with TS can meet and talk with each other about the difficulties they face and what they have overcome.

“Conquering this technical and enduring challenge was an amazing feeling after month of hard work.

“We had some of the toughest conditions on Snowdon our guide had ever seen and so proud of completing the challenge. We would love to thank everyone for the support they have shown so far.”

To donate towards Kyle’s justgiving page, click here.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
