The Agriculture and Horticulture Development (AHDB) will bring back its Let’s Eat Balanced marketing campaign to promote a balanced diet that includes lean meat.

AHDB September Let's Eat Balanced

Source: AHDB

The campaign returns to champion British meat and dairy.

Launching on 27th August and running until 30th September, AHDB’s Let’s Eat Balanced campaign, will champion the “naturally delicious taste and flavours of British meat and dairy”, highlighting their nutritional benefits, such as protein and vitamin B12 when consumed as part of a balanced diet.

The campaign will also aim to promote the “environmentally friendlier” practices of some British farmers, showing their dedication to producing food of “world-class standard”.

AHDB said it takes a “science-based approach” to communicate “accurate and transparent information” about the nutritional benefits of red meat and dairy. Let’s Eat Balanced is built on the foundation of the Eat Well Guide, which encourages a varied, healthy and sustainable diet.

The previous burst of the campaign, in January 2024, is reported to have positively shifted consumer perceptions on meat and dairy’s nutritional benefits. AHDB saw a 6% and 4% rise respectively in consumers agreeing that meat and dairy are a natural source of vitamin B12 (February 2024 compared with August 2023, Source: TwoEarsOneMouth Campaign Evaluation).

People will see the This & That adverts online on YouTube, broadcast streaming services like ITVX, Channel 4, Sky Go, Disney+, and on social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.

AHDB’s partnership with Tasty UK to create ‘Balanced Bites’ videos will aim to encourage the Gen Z (18-25 years) audience to create healthy dishes using British red meat and dairy. The campaign will feature in stores and online at five major retailers.

Carrie McDermid, AHDB head of domestic marketing, said: “We are pleased that the January Let’s Eat Balanced campaign performed so well. It successfully highlighted the important roles our farmers play in providing high-quality produce and their dedication to environmentally friendlier practices.

“We are proud to be back championing British meat and dairy on behalf of our levy payers. This September campaign features a number of farmers on social media showcasing their resilience and tireless dedication to producing the food we eat.”

Silas Hedley-Lawrence, a farmer from Oxford, said: “The Let’s Eat Balanced campaign, funded by our levy, educates consumers about the importance of red meat and dairy in a balanced diet, using evidence-based research.

“It promotes our positive farming practices and showcases the high quality of British produce. It helps us tell our stories and reach more consumers. As a farmer, I am proud to play my part.” 

For more information about AHDB’s Let’s Eat Balanced campaign, and the ‘This & That’ advertisements, please visit