Key issues and themes that are affecting the meat industry in Wales will be discussed against a political, UK and global landscape during the Hybu Cig Cymru- Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) conference this year.

The event, that occurs annually, will be held on 10th November in Bangor.

Emeritus professor of food marketing at Imperial College London, David Hughes who will outline the challenges and opportunities for Welsh exporters in international markets.

Emeritus professor of food marketing at Imperial College London, David Hughes who will outline the challenges and opportunities for Welsh exporters in international markets.

The day’s proceedings will start with levy payers being invited to join the HCC board members for a question and answer forum.

The conference aims to give insight into the red meat sector, trading patterns and consumer trends. It will also help demonstrate plans for the UK and overseas markets for the new and changing economy.

The line-up for the conference will include the cabinet secretary for environment and rural affairs, Lesley Griffiths AM; David Hughes, emeritus professor of food marketing at Imperial College London; HCC’s chief executive, Gwyn Howells; Welsh government director of agriculture, food and marine, Andrew Slade; HCC’s export agent in Scandinavia, Ken Sorensen; and HCC scholars and farmers, Huw Williams and Richard Roderick.

Dai Davies, who will be chairing the conference, said: “Levy payers and anyone with an interest and involvement in the red meat sector are encouraged to attend the HCC Conference this year.

“As we enter a period of uncertainty, we must not fear the unknown as we can be confident in our quality red meat products that can hold their own in a global market. We must work together to achieve excellence in the new economy and fly the flag for Wales’ red meat sector. HCC’s conference this year will outline the ways in which this can be achieved.

“We also look forward to an update from the cabinet secretary for environment and rural affairs, who will play a key role in influencing the future direction of agriculture in Wales.” Davies added.

To register to attend call 01970-625050, e-mail or visit

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.