Red meat promotion body Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has launched a new campaign that encourages the public not to 'quit' red meat in the name of 'healthy living'.

Welsh Beef Pad Thai HCC Copy

Welsh beef pad Thai.

The campaign, titled 'Quit the Quitting', launched on Friday 12th January. According to HCC, this is also known as 'Quitters' Day' - the day when most people give up on their new year's resolutions.

The 'Quit the Quitting' campaign encourages families and individuals not to quit red meat in the midst of new year resolutions, fad diets and health kicks.

Laura Pickup, HCC's head of strategic marketing and connections, said: "Red meat, such as PGI Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef, are naturally packed with nutrients such as iron, zinc and protein. These vitamins and minerals are essential for overall bodily function, making them a hugely beneficial part of a healthy and balanced diet.

"Grass fed red meat like Welsh lamb and Welsh beef also contains omega-3, which is vital for brain and heart health, and which needs to be supplied by your diet and the food you eat, as your body cannot make enough of it by itself."

The campaign features dietitian Nichola Ludlam-Raine and food content creators Hollie Woods and Llio Angharad, who will aim to highlight the health benefits of Welsh red meat and share recipes that champion nutritional balance and taste, such as Welsh beef pad Thai, Welsh Lamb superfood salad and tandoori Welsh lamb chops.

Pickup concluded: "Consumers can also rest assured that Welsh lamb and Welsh beef aren't just good for human health, they're also good for the environment too. Welsh lamb and Welsh beef are reared in the beautiful Welsh countryside using natural and traditional farming practices, resulting in red meat of the highest environmental and quality standards."

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.