In its aim to grow sales of PGI Welsh Lamb and PGI Welsh Beef in the UK domestic market, promotional body Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) says it will redouble its efforts this year in the £57 billion UK foodservice sector.

HCC20013 HCC looks forward to busy year of foodservice sector promotions

2019 saw an increased number of co-promotions between HCC and businesses in the foodservice industry, to raise the profile of Welsh red meat in hotels, restaurants and catering.

The activities included engagement events with chefs and restaurateurs featuring demonstrations of Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef, promotions in major workplace cafeterias, in-store tastings and wholesalers, and competitions to win hampers of Welsh produce.

A major foodservice supplier partnered with HCC in a ‘Regional Chef of the Year’ competition, at which the Welsh finalist cooked with Welsh Lamb, and all the final contestants received a pack of information and materials promoting Welsh meat.

Activities also included a Welsh Lamb promotion at a major public sector workplace restaurant in Newport, where staff competed for the prize of a Welsh produce hamper.

According to HCC market development executive Emily Rees, this work will be developed in 2020, with many activities already planned either side of St. David’s Day.

“I’ve been very pleased with the positive response of several companies in this sector, who see value in the distinctive Welsh brand for red meat,” said Emily. “HCC has been able to give information and advice on branding and promotional materials, and look forward to doing more of this kind of work over the next few months.”

“In February, HCC will be supporting two major Welsh foodservice suppliers at business-to-business trade shows, and we’re in discussions with major workplace food providers to help with promotions around St. David’s Day,” she added.

Emily explained, “In order to capitalise on increased interest in Welsh Beef and Welsh Lamb in the sector, HCC has produced revised marketing materials in the form of a ‘toolkit’, which contains the latest information regarding the sustainability, quality and traceability of Welsh produce.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
