Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) is supporting independent butchers’ shops with new marketing materials specially designed to highlight how businesses have adapted to coronavirus and social distancing.

HCC20073 New Recipes Available from Booming High Street Butchers Cymraeg

Members of HCC’s Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef Butchers’ Club have now received copies of a new edition of the promotional body’s ‘Meat on the Bone’ magazine, as well as booklets of summer lamb and beef recipes, to distribute to their customers. They have also received a new social media toolkit designed to help independent shops to sell online.

The new promotional materials follow the latest retail figures from Kantar Worldpanel which show a huge rise in purchases of lamb from high street butchers during the late spring and early summer.

In the 12 weeks leading up to the 12th July, sales of lamb at butchers’ shops in Britain were 45.5% higher than last year. This compares to an overall year-on-year increase in lamb sales, across all types of stores, of 19.2%.

The new point-of-sale marketing materials are also linked with HCC’s seasonal Welsh Lamb promotional campaign, launched on ‘Lamb Day’ on the 1st August and continuing through ‘Love Lamb Week’ at the start of September.

HCC’s market development officer Kirstie Jones said, “Independent butchers’ shops in Wales have been very innovative in responding to the restrictions of Covid-19. They’ve been outstanding servants of their communities, and this is reflected in the huge increase in retail sales.

“This year, members of our Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef Butchers’ Club have been telling us that they want promotional materials which they can send out with home deliveries, as well as help with online marketing and branding. Our new toolkit and publications will hopefully hit the mark and help to maintain the increased custom.

“We’ve also just launched new social media channels for the Butchers’ Club, which will be a further platform to promote the excellent service that independent shops can offer and are revamping the HCCTrade.co.uk website.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
