Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has become the latest signatory to Courtauld 2025, a voluntary agreement bringing together a range of organisations involved in the food system to make food and drink production and consumption more sustainable.

Courtald 2025

Courtauld 2025 aims to cut the amount of food waste.

Courtauld 2025, a venture organised by WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme), aims to cut the resources needed to provide our food and drink by one fifth over the next ten years.

The plan includes cutting the amount of food that goes to waste and producing more efficiently in order to meet the challenge of global population growth and climate change.

Dr. Julie Finch, corporate strategy and policy manager at HCC, said: “The Courtauld 2025 commitment fits well with many of the long-term strategic objectives of HCC. We support a range of research which contributes to improving sustainability of grassland and meat production, and take an active role in communicating the latest research and development to farmers and others.

“Increasing the efficiency of the overall red meat supply chain brings both financial benefits to farmers and producers, and helps meet our goals in terms of environmental sustainability.”

“I’m proud that HCC has become the latest signatory to the Courtauld Commitment, and look forward to working with a wide range of partners to deliver greater efficiency and sustainability,” Finch commented.

Richard Swannell, director of Sustainable Food Systems for WRAP, added: “We are faced with some big challenges ahead with rising populations, climate change and dwindling resources. Courtauld 2025 is our most ambitious agreement yet and we are delighted that HCC has pledged its support as a signatory.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
