The British Meat Processors’ Association (BMPA) and National Federation of Meat & Food Traders (NFMFT) are the latest industry groups to partner UK Sausage Week.

UK Sausage Week logo

The two respected names join The Q Guild of Butchers and the Institute of Meat (IoM) in endorsing the campaign, as well as well-known commercial companies Viscofan, Reiser and Foodmaker.

Nick Allen, chief executive of BMPA, told Meat Management: “As a long standing fan of Sausage Week, I am pleased to be supporting the new campaign and helping to spread the word through BMPA’s communication channels. The importance of the sausage sector to our industry cannot be underestimated and it is good to see the meat trade media celebrating and supporting the priorities of its readers.”

Roger Kelsey, chief executive of NFMFT, added: “Sausages are a key product and focus for our members. The NFMFT has always been keen to show its support for previous Sausage Weeks and is now looking forward to helping members benefit from this new campaign. It certainly appears to be set to cause a sizzle!

The celebration lunch

A celebration lunch will take place at Plaisterers’ Hall, London, on the first day of UK Sausage Week (30th October) where celebrity ambassador Eric Knowles will present awards for some of the best sausages in the UK marketplace.

Butchers, manufacturers and retailers can enter their sausages now, for free, via the simple form on the UK Sausage Week website.

All products will be put to the test by a panel of industry experts ahead of the lunch, headed-up by Institute of Meat CEO Keith Fisher.

Enter your products here:


Plaisterers' Hall.

Sizzling recipes

The campaign’s organisers are compiling a selection of sausage recipes for butchers and multiple retailers to make use of during the week-long event and are looking for industry to submit their favourites.

The best dishes will be available to download on the UK Sausage Week website and will also be published in Meat Management’s special UK Sausage Week supplement.

To upload a recipe for a sausage dish (or a sausage) visit: or email it to and don’t forget to include a photo of your creation.

British Sausage Week.

When and where?

UK Sausage Week will run from 30th October until 5th November (Bonfire Night). In addition to using the website, sausage enthusiasts can follow the progress of the campaign on Twitter: @UKSausageWeek and via the Facebook page.

Partnership opportunities are also available. For details please contact Michelle Ingerfield on or 01908 613323.

Any general enquiries about the UK Sausage Week campaign and lunch can be directed to Emma Cash on or 01908 613323.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.