Representatives from the Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC) attended the recent food careers fair at CAFRE Loughry campus.

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Communications manager, Linda Surphlis and education and consumer promotions manager, Sarah Toland attended the CAFRE Loughry food careers fair.

Education and consumer promotions manager, Sarah Toland and communications manager, Linda Surphlis represented the Commission at the event which brought together over 30 local food focussed firms.

Commenting after the event, Sarah said: “We were delighted to attend the Loughry Food Careers Fair to meet with budding food students interested in pursuing a career in the NI agri food industry.

“We spoke with many students and discussed the key departments within LMC and the activities that each carry out. Students were also given an insight into exciting career opportunities within LMC, including our marketing and communications placement which is offered to undergraduate students who are required to complete a sandwich placement part-way though their studies.”

Throughout the course of the event LMC distributed a range of resources, including recipe books and flyers with information on the wide range of career opportunities made available by the red meat industry.

LMC marketing and communications manager Lauren Patterson added: “The beef and lamb sector makes a valuable contribution to Northern Ireland’s economy, accounting for sales of over £1.5 billion per year. The sector provides a host of varied and exciting career opportunities. Attending the food careers fair enabled LMC to have timely conversations with students who are making key decisions on the next step in their educational journey, be that in looking for future placement opportunities, or graduate jobs.

“LMC has a longstanding relationship with the education sector in Northern Ireland and wants to continue to support educators and students from primary school through to third level education moving forward. On behalf of LMC I wish to extend our thanks to CAFRE Loughry for the kind invitation to attend this worthwhile event.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.