A new multi-agency working group in Cornwall has been set up to tackle illegal meat trade.

Backed by Crimestoppers, the police, Environmental Health and Trading Standards teams, the Food Standards Agency and a number of rural and agricultural organisations will form the working group.

The new set up follows reports of poaching, illegal slaughter, livestock theft and subsequent illegal meat supplies from members of the rural community, farmers and reputable food businesses in the region.

The organisations now hope to work together and share information to target and disrupt criminal activity and create a level playing field for legitimate businesses.

“Anyone supplying food, regardless of the type of customer, is legally obliged to notify the Local Authority’s Environmental Health Department in the first instance,” Geoff Brown, Cornwall Council’s cabinet member for communities, said. “In some instances you may also require an additional approval from the Food Standards Agency or Local Authority.

“Storage, transport and processing rooms must be fit for purpose and you must be able to provide traceability and adequate processing records of the food you are supplying, regardless of the nature of the product. Some farmed species may only be slaughtered in approved premises where the meat is to be supplied outside the immediate household.

“Where legal requirements aren’t being met you are at risk of having sanctions taken against you such as seizure of products and potentially prosecution in the criminal courts, resulting in a loss of confidence and reputational damage.”

According to Cornwall Council, intelligence shows that the issues are not just restricted to single instances of criminality, but, on occasions, are linked to wide scale organised crime that compromise animal welfare and food safety. This includes theft, trespass and firearms offences, often resulting in intimidation of victims and loss of property or trade.

The agencies want to hear from people with information regarding anyone who may be:• Poaching deer or theft of livestock• Trespassing with dogs or firearms• Involved in illegal slaughtering• Selling illegally processed meat

Wildlife crime officer PC Martin Beck, of Devon and Cornwall Police, added: “The police need the public to work with us and our partners to protect people from harm. We recognise that rural crime such as theft, trespass with firearms and poaching are of concern and we wish to work with the public to solve issues and bring offenders to justice.”

To report a crime phone 101 or email 101@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.