David Lishman, the Q Guild’s National vice chairman, has been named Master of the Company of Butchers of the City of York for 2017.

David lishmans master

David Lishman has been appointed Master of the York Butchers' Gild. Photo: Dave Hobman.

Lishman, who owns the butcher business Lishman’s of Ilkley in Yorkshire, had the title bestowed upon him at the traditional Shrove Tuesday Feast given by the company at Merchant Taylor's Hall in York. The ceremony was attended by both the Lord Mayor and the Sheriff of York.

The York Butchers’ Gild, as it is more commonly known, is one of the oldest in the country and is only one of three in the city that can trace its origins back to the 13th century. York’s famous Shambles was the site of the company’s original hall and the street was known as ‘Butchers street’ due to the proliferation of butcher shops in the area.

The objectives of the company include preserving the historic institution of The Company of Butchers of the City of York, and maintaining its ancient traditions and ceremonies. It also serves as a fundraising body for charitable purposes. Lishman’s role will be to ensure the objectives of the company are achieved through attending civic functions and promoting the work of the members.

Lishman’s of Ilkley, a family run business, which has held Q Guild membership since 2000, first opened 30 years ago. It was established by Lishman who runs it with his daughter Emma and has won a number of accolades for its sausages. Lishman was also captain of the first British butchery team which travelled to New Zealand and Australia to participate in the Trinations World Butchery Challenge.

Lishman said: “It is a real honour to be made Master of such an historic company and I look forward to representing it with pride over the forthcoming year.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.