2019 marks a big year in the history of the Worshipful Company of Butchers (WCB) with its return to the new Butchers Hall scheduled for August, and the first WCB event taking place in September.

WCB Laptop

As part of the 2019 project, a new website has been launched to enhance the image of the Livery.

The meat industry’s very own Livery Company, which is one of the oldest in the City of London, can trace its history back at least 800 years and still plays an active and important part in meat trade affairs through training and education, and various charity work. It is also has a highly regarded networking structure which includes regular lunches, dinners and special events.

The WCB has not occupied its own hall for over four years, during which time the building has and is being transformed with an £11m rebuild to modernise the facilities and to offer its Liverymen and the wider industry 21st century standards.

As part of the 2019 project, a brand new website has been launched to enhance the image of the Livery and to market the new facilities offered, both for trade events and to others outside of the direct meat industry. It is designed to have a much easier and intuitive feel, offering an enhanced and more up to date image for a modern Livery Company.


Graham Baker, Master of the Worshipful Company of Butchers.

This years Master of the WCB, Graham Baker said: “When we open for business in September it will be the culmination of five long years of hard work and it is of paramount importance to our future. We will be relying on Hall income to secure the times ahead. I urge everyone, not just members of our Livery, but everyone associated with the trade to use and support it as much as they can.

“We need to appeal to people nationwide, not just those within easy reach of London. We want people to want to join us and I invite them to apply. The new website is a great starting point for those interested and gives its visitors a good feel about what our Livery Company is all about these days. The WCB has a fantastic history with wonderful traditions, but also is set fair to reflect the future of the Company too.”

To view the new website go to www.butchershall.com.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
