The Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC) has reported a 3.2% rise in cold weight meat volume after an increase in processed cattle.

LMC Carcase weights

Source: LMC

LMC witnessed increased processed cattle numbers in 2024.

The number of cattle processed in Northern Ireland (NI) plant for the year to date has edged ahead of 2023 levels, said LMC, as cold weight meat volume is up 2,577.5 tonnes (3.2% year-on-year).

LMC agricultural market analyst Claire McAnearney said: “Prime cattle production accounted for almost 78% of the total cattle production, consisting of 49% steers, 40% heifers and 11% young bulls.”

Claire McAnearney, LMC

Claire McAnearney, LMC agricultural market analyst.

The average prime carcase weights over the first six months of this year remained steady with no significant change in steers and heifers, said LMC, with average carcase weights of 359.9kg and 320.1kg respectively. However, young bulls recorded an increase of 4kg on average, bringing the average cold carcase weight for young bulls in 2024 to date up to 345.7kg.

Over 96% of the increased production during the first half of 2024 compared to the corresponding period of 2023 has stemmed from prime cattle. The prime cattle kill increased 6,787 head year-on-year with all categories seeing an increase (heifers accounted for 66.4% of this increase) combined with steady carcase weights, resulting in an increased output of 2,482 tonnes of prime cattle.

In contrast, the cold carcase weight of cows declined by 4.5kg year-on-year, to an average carcase weight of 297.3kg, this is also 10.7kg less than the average carcase weight of cows reported in the corresponding time in 2022. Similarly, average carcase cold weight of bulls declined almost 12kg year-on-year.

However, McAnearney highlighted: “Cow carcase weight makes up approximately 20%, while bull carcases contribute only a marginal proportion to the total meat production in NI.”

She said: “The average carcase weight of prime cattle remains strong, while that of cows and bulls declined this year. However, this bared no weight on the total meat output as prime cattle make up more than three quarters of the total cattle weight. Steady prime cattle carcase weights combined with increased numbers of prime cattle presented for slaughter has resulted in an increase in the total beef production in NI this year to date.”