The pig industry scholarship scheme has begun recruiting students for its fourth year.

Generic pig.

The scheme, set up to establish long term relationships between industry and students, involves students from Harper Adams University and is facilitated by AHDB Pork.

Seven sponsoring companies – Provimi, ForFarmers, CEVA, Rattlerow Farms Ltd, Devenish Nutrition, Quality Equipment and AB Agri – are currently involved and will attend the scholarship fair in October.

The scholarships include a year-long placement, with the possibility of the sponsoring firms offering a post to students once they qualify.

Chairman of the pig scholarship scheme, Nick Major, commented: “In common with all the industries, one of the key challenges for the pig industry is to attract and retain talented people.

“The scholarship scheme was established to demonstrate the wide range of career options available in the industry. I am delighted we are now about to start the process for the fourth year and would like to thank AHDB Pork and Harper Adams University and of course the sponsoring companies, without whom we couldn’t run the scheme.”

The scholarship opportunities on offer represent areas across the whole industry, including nutrition, engineering and equipment, animal health, and practical pig production.

Those interested in joining the scheme should contact skill development coordinator, Samantha Bowsher on 07976-980753 or e-mail

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.