The UK’s two food regulators, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Food Standards Scotland (FSS), recently held the first joint board meeting to discuss their UK-wide review of meat cutting plants and cold stores.

The boards held the meeting on 17th October in Edinburgh, following the publication of the Review which makes recommendations aimed at improving compliance and assurance in the UK meat processing industry.

Heather Hancock m

Heather Hancock, chair of FSA.

Following a discussion welcoming the Review and the stakeholder engagement over the previous six months, each Board endorsed the improvements identified for their respective countries.

The importance of the Review was stressed for managing the culture of the industry and shifting attitudes and behaviours across the UK meat sector to keep consumer interests at the forefront.

It was also highlighted that there is an obligation on the industry as well as regulators to be ambitious in implementing the plans, and collaborative work will continue to achieve this.

Throughout the discussion, the Boards recognised that the majority of the UK meat sector does act responsibly and that many food businesses go above and beyond regulatory requirements.

Heather Hancock, chair of FSA, said: “Over the last two years, we have seen several food safety and authenticity incidents arise in meat cutting plants and cold stores.

“Events like these jeopardise public confidence in the safety and authenticity of meat processed in the UK. They led us to commission an in-depth Review to identify how the operation and regulation of this sector could be improved.

“We believe that the findings of the Review, supported by leaders of the meat industry, will help restore and sustain public trust.

“We will be seeking the continued commitment of the industry to work with us, as regulators, to implement the recommendations and deliver on the expectations of the public.”

Ross Finnie, FSS chair, added: “We’ve been fully involved at every stage of this UK-wide Review and the two Boards unanimously welcomed the Review and endorsed its recommendations following comprehensive research and stakeholder engagement.

“The safety of consumers is paramount to Food Standards Scotland and all of those who have contributed to the Review, and this will continue into the implementation phase.

“This agreed approach will provide assurance that the meat industry and regulators in Scotland will work together to deliver the world class high standards expected.”

The Review and Board Paper can be accessed at:

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.