With new international trade agreements being negotiated, the Red Tractor logo will play a big role post Brexit, according to Jim Moseley, chairman of Assured Food Standards.

At the NFU’s Conference, Moseley spoke of the challenge of opening up international trade destinations in light of Brexit and said there is a potential to use an established assurance scheme as a selling point for British food.

The new 'Made with' Red Tractor logo for use on ready meals on pies will be used by ASDA.

Red Tractor logo.

Moseley said: “The standards that Red Tractor food is produced to run right the way through the supply chain and are comprehensive

“Markets are opening up and we should take advantage of that. Take the Asia-Pacific region as an example; they love the quality, safety and traceability that British assured products deliver.”

In the UK, two-thirds of consumers recognise the Red Tractor logo and half say it positively affects their shopping decision.

The logo appears on more than £14 billion of food and drink and there are more than 60,000 assured farm businesses in the UK.

Moseley also claimed that many consumers have viewed the logo as an indication of British provenance, however now the focus needs to move on to acknowledging what the logo stands for.

Moseley said: “I believe that we now have the opportunity to behave more like a brand and something that we can really shout about both at home and abroad.

“But we need to harness the continued support of the whole industry, including the NFU, AHDB and the primary food chain.

“As consumers become more aware of what the logo stands for and continue to see it as an indication of provenance then they may actually seek out Red Tractor products even more than they do today.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.