The average British meat-eater will eat 2,771 sausages, 1,491 steaks and 1,469 burgers during their adult years, according to new research commissioned by sausage company, debbie&andrew’s.

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The new research reveals the average British meat-eater will eat 2,771 sausages in adulthood.

The research, which was based on 2,000 meat-eaters, also found that, as adults, carnivores will eat 1,592 chicken legs, 1,006 meatballs, 789 lamb chops and a combined 1.4 tonnes of lamb, pork and beef mince.

Meanwhile the findings suggest that seven in ten people aim to eat meat every day.

Roast dinners were voted the most popular traditional British dish among meat eaters, with 66% of respondents choosing it as their favourite dish. Chicken was revealed as the favourite roast from those polled.

Ian Bagnall from debbie&andrew’s commented: “This survey provides a fascinating insight into how people still love to have a properly meaty meal.

“Britain has a tradition of producing fantastic meat so perhaps it’s no surprise that millions of us get so much enjoyment from it,” he said.

“In fact, around two-thirds of people polled said it is important to them where the meat they buy comes from – with 81% saying they typically buy British.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.