New scientific findings show that new packaging could keep meat fresh for up to 50 days, and will mean Sell-By dates on meat are finally to be reviewed.

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New packaging could keep meat fresh for up to 50 days.

The study, reported in The Daily Telegraph, was commissioned by The British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) at Campden BRI.

Technical director at BMPA, David Lindars, said: “The shelf-life of fresh red meat held at 3°C and 8°C is of great significance to the industry.

“These new scientific findings will give meat processors the ammunition they need to apply longer retail shelf-lives to their products.

“It is not just the commercial benefit to producers, processors and retailers that will result from these findings. Longer shelf lives of products will also benefit consumers and the environment through lower wastage and better sustainability.”

Head of policy at AIMS, Norman Bagley added: "This is good news for the industry. As many will know this is something that AIMS has been saying all along to the FSA, only to be pushed back by the 'risk averse' amongst its ranks. We all know science was on our side. Let's hope this means they take note and act accordingly and quickly."

A FSA spokesman told The Daily Telegraph: “When relevant new science is generated it is standard practice to revisit the evidence base and we will now consider the findings of this report.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.