With beef farmers experiencing markets at a three-year low, NFU Vice president, Stuart Roberts, is calling for urgent and united action to re-establish sustainable returns.

Roberts said that at such a critical time for the British beef industry, farmers, processors, retailers, Defra, and the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) need to work together to find solutions to this emerging crisis.

Stuart Roberts recent

Roberts: “There is a real danger that without urgent action the supply chain and Government will see a bad situation rapidly worsen in the weeks ahead."

He said: “There is a real danger that without urgent action the supply chain and Government will see a bad situation rapidly worsen in the weeks ahead.

“Beef farmers want to see retailers and processors promote Red Tractor assured, great British beef through in-store promotion backed by clear labelling on pack and merchandising to help shoppers make informed choices about the origin of their purchases.

“There is real concern that with over 70% of cattle being processed by five or six companies who supply 10 retailers, this lack of competition allows value to be taken out of the market. We ask that farmers receive a fair and sustainable share of the retail value, which is not the case at present."

AHDB asked to prioritise resources

Roberts continued: “Livestock producers also expect AHDB to prioritise its resources to support promotional efforts at home and abroad to increase consumption of British Red Tractor beef, highlighting the differential standards of UK production. I am also calling on AHDB to establish the impact of a 31st October Brexit date on overseas buyer confidence and knock-on effects to the farm gate price and adapt marketing appropriately.

“Defra also has important questions to answer. It’s several weeks since the EU approved the Irish Government’s €100M beef crisis support package. Livestock farmers want to know, what assessment has Defra made of this package? And with the majority of Irish beef entering the UK market, has this subsidy the potential to distort the UK beef price?

“Policies must be put in place now that will drive productivity and improve margins for those who keep beef cows and to help secure a better future for the British beef sector.

“We all have a part to play in highlighting and showcasing quality Red Tractor assured, great British beef; the important role of beef production in enhancing the environment and our iconic landscape, the industry’s animal welfare credentials and red meat’s role as part of a healthy, balanced diet.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.