The Goldschmaus Group optimises processes and yields in meat processing with trimmers and skinners from Bettcher.


Source: Bettcher GmbH

The quiet and electric Cyclone® Skinner can be operated both effortlessly and safely with one hand.

The Goldschmaus Group uses innovative trimmers and skinners from Bettcher Industries to optimise its meat processing. With the latest tool series – the Quantum Flex® Trimmer, the Cyclone Skinner and the Quantum Flex® TrimVac – the company has achieved increased quality, higher meat yield and more ergonomic production processes.

The Goldschmaus Group produces beef and pork products sourced exclusively from farms that are members of the local, regional farming associations. The company’s consistent quality concept is proving successful, enabling continuous development. Trimmers and skinners from Bettcher contribute significantly to this success. The meat processor has been using these tools and benefiting from the expert advice of its tool partner for over 20 years. Bettcher’s experts, a team of trained butchers, review the applications on-site and support the company with customised solutions that are optimally adapted to the workflows in Garrel and Oldenburg. As a result, the Goldschmaus Group has continuously updated its tool inventory.

Modern tools – improved processes, higher yields

Currently, the meat processor uses the Quantum Flex® Trimmer, which has been further optimised for the clean trimming of pork. The tool is particularly lightweight and less top-heavy.

It features a fast-rotating blade that increases cutting power and cutting speed while reducing vibrations. The cutting depth can be variably adjusted, allowing great flexibility in product handling. The electrically operated device is significantly quieter than its pneumatic predecessors. Its maintenance-free drive system (the Driveline, which can be used with any Bettcher tool) also saves a lot of time and money.


Source: Bettcher GmbH

The hand tools in the Quantum Flex® series are durable and efficient. They enable higher yields when trimming meat and poultry.

The Goldschmaus Group has achieved higher yields and significant work relief in skinning and defatting pork hams and shoulders with the Cyclone Skinner. The skinner, which can be used single-handedly, is particularly lightweight, with well-controlled cutting thickness. Its electric, low-noise drive, achieves energy savings of up to 90% compared to pneumatic devices. The skinner has few and easily replaceable components which helps reduce time and cost for maintenance and repair. The ergonomic design minimises fatigue during the work process, leading to overall higher productivity and yield.

For safe slaughtering processes, the Goldschmaus Group also uses the Quantum Flex® TrimVac. The circular knife removes potentially hazardous spinal cord tissue and is combined with a vacuum system that directly extracts the risk material. Its fast-rotating blade enables the highest precision in meat processing. The ergonomic design and ease of use supports efficient working, which also leads to higher yields and reduces fatigue for the personnel.

“What has paid off in our close collaboration is that Bettcher does not recognise standard applications, but instead tests each application with us until the device, blade and detailed settings fit perfectly. We share the belief that the future of the meat industry lies in first-class quality combined with the best possible yield,” emphasises Dennis Burke from the management of the Goldschmaus Group.