Anuga, the world’s largest food fair, will take place from this weekend in Cologne Germany and Wales’ top red meat exporters will visit the show seeking new sales outlets for branded PGI Welsh Lamb.

Laura Pickup

HCC's marketing manager, Laura Pickup believes Anuga will be crucial for 2016's export drive for PGI Welsh Lamb.

Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has hosted, facilitated and promoted a sales mission of leading processors from all parts of Wales to Anuga. They will play their part in a strategic networking and sales programme over the five days of the show from 10th to 14th October with the aim of ramping up exports to key territories across Europe and the world in the coming twelve months.

“This trade fair is enormous,” said Laura Pickup, HCC’s marketing manager. “It plays a central role in influencing the UK’s current near £400 million lamb exports each year and it is vital to any exporting nation’s ambitions for the following twelve months.

“Anuga has been a centrepoint of HCC’s previous activity in increasing and beginning exports to countries across Europe and ever further afield. Millions of pounds worth of deals are either struck here or introduced as the show paves the way for the crucial activity that takes place in the weeks and months following the important initial contacts that are made.

“We will be able to look back on these five days in a few months time as pivotal in 2016’s export drive for premium branded PGI Welsh Lamb,” said Pickup.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.