Market Insight
Market Insight

Meeting the trade challenge in 2024

There are many hurdles facing UK meat exports over the coming year, our latest report finds.

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At DukesHill, each leg of pork is hand rubbed and turned every day for three weeks, then left for four months to mature.

Profile: DukesHill

Mark Gallagher left a career in private equity to take over DukesHill, and since then the business has produced Ocado’s best-rated bacon product.


Interview - Phil Hadley, IMS

Interview: Phil Hadley, IMS

Dr Phil Hadley discusses his time within the meat industry, following his appointment as Secretary General of International Meat Secretariat (IMS). 

Latest Issue

MM Magazine Cover

Your September edition includes: a focus on Northern Ireland, an interview with Grace Randall of AHDB, lab-grown meat, plus lots more inside.

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