All Hygiene & Safety articles – Page 6
FSA warns against rare burgers
Over five million Brits are at risk of food poisoning from pink burgers at barbecues, according to research by the Food Standards’ Agency (FSA).The FSA is warning consumers to fully cook their burgers to prevent food poisoning.The research revealed that over a third (36%) of Brits would eat a burger ...
Consumers call for more action on campylobacter
Consumers are calling for more action to be taken to tackle campylobacter, new research from the Food Standards Agency (FSA) has revealed.According to the report, Consumer Acceptability of Campylobacter Levels in Chicken, two thirds of consumers think the industry should continue to reduce campylobacter beyond the agreed current target of ...
Clayton Park Bakery recalls sausage roll products
Clayton Park Bakery has recalled a number of its sausage roll products as they may contain pieces of plastic.The recall specifically refers to the following Clayton Park Bakery products with a use-by date of 3rd and 4th August 2016: its Sausage Roll Large, 143g, (Brand: Clayton Park), its 2 Pack ...
Mattessons recalls chicken products
Mattessons has recalled certain batches of its Roast Chicken Flavour Fridge Raider products as they may contain pieces of plastic.The recall specifically refers to:Mattessons Fridge Raiders Roast Chicken Flavour, 3x25g multipack with all use-by dates between 24th July 2016 and 5th August 2016;Mattessons Fridge Raiders Roast Chicken Flavour, 5x25g multipack ...
Aubrey Allen achieves ‘higher level’ status
A recent two-day audit has seen butcher, Aubrey Allen Ltd. achieve ‘higher level’ status in the UKAS approved standard for the catering industry.At the start of this year, the National Association of Catering Butchers (NACB) brought in a new, more robust, UKAS approved standard for the catering industry.The audit for ...
Food Standards Scotland launches BBQ chicken safety campaign
Food Standards Scotland (FSS) has launched a BBQ food safety campaign: ‘Nothing spoils summer like Pink Chicken’.It is in response to evidence, which shows that increases in barbecuing, and chicken purchase and consumption between June and August coincides with peaks in campylobacter infection, the most common form of food poisoning ...
New beef and sheep meat inspection conditions come into force
The roll out of a new list of post-mortem rejection conditions has begun in sheep and cattle abattoirs in England.The rationalised rejection conditions, which result in all or part of a carcase being rejected for human consumption, are being introduced as the result of a project involving AHDB Beef and ...
Pig producers can reduce antibiotic usage, says St David’s vets
Pig producers can reduce their antibiotic usage by taking lessons learned from the poultry industry, poultry veterinary practice St David’s Poultry Team has said.According to the veterinary practice the answer is to boost and protect the animals’ natural bacteria and health, therefore removing the necessity for routine antibiotic use.St David’s ...
NPA launches antibiotic stewardship programme
The National Pig Association is launching an antibiotic stewardship programme to achieve minimum use of antibiotics, consistent with responsible human and food-animal medicine.NPA chief executive, Dr Zoe Davies.“We recognise and share society’s concerns about the level of antibiotic use in human and livestock medicine,” NPA chief executive Dr Zoe Davies ...
FSA suspends campylobacter survey
The Foods Standards Agency (FSA) has temporarily suspended its testing for campylobacter levels on chickens bought from shops and supermarkets.Currently the FSA tests campylobacter levels by measuring the amount of the bug on the neck skin of the chicken, generally the most contaminated part of the bird. However the FSA ...
Heron Foods recalls Basted Turkey Breast Joint
Heron Foods has recalled its Basted Turkey Breast Joint due to a production error.The error has meant that some packs contain a Turkey Roulette wrapped in bacon which contains sulphur dioxide not mentioned on the packaging.This poses a possible health risk to those with a sensitivity to sulphur dioxide and/or ...
Sheep meat inspection improvements go on trial
A new list of post-mortem rejection conditions is being trialled in a number of sheep abattoirs.These are conditions which result in all or part of a carcase being rejected for human consumption.The new list comes as part of a project to improve information exchange between animal producers and meat processors.The ...
BPC reveals antibiotic reduction in poultry sector
Results from data collected by the British Poultry Council has revealed that the use of antibiotics in the poultry sector reduced by 28% in 2015 compared to 2014.“Our sector has led the way, with real progress seen since the formation of our BPC Chicken Antibiotic Stewardship Scheme in 2011,” BPC ...
New sentencing guidelines may expose food professionals to fraud culpability
Guidelines coming into effect in England and Wales will mean food industry professionals face possible custodial sentences for actions deemed to have caused harm or risk of harm to consumers.Tony Hines.Leatherhead Food Research is advising the industry that failure to take reasonable measures to prevent supply chain fraud may constitute ...
Low risk of antibiotic resistant superbugs in British red meat claim
Food safety provider Acoura has told consumers not to fear antibiotic resistant superbugs in British red meat.This comes following a recent report by the UK Review on Antimicrobial Resistance warning that superbugs could be passed on to consumers eating undercooked red meat. The report suggests there is a danger antibiotic-resistant ...
??FSA announces ‘unnecessary’ burger controls
The FSA decision’s that the preparation and service of rare burgers in food outlets is unacceptable unless a validated and verified food safety management plan is in place could lead to unnecessary and excessive controls on meat suppliers according to industry law firm, Roythornes Solicitors.Tim Russ, Roythornes Solicitors: "Whatever the ...