All News articles – Page 335

  • Debra Stephenson

    Red Tractor week to be launched in September


    Red Tractor week is to run from 24th September to 30th September and aims to showcase what the logo means to consumers and explaining how it provides the shopper with a shortcut to affordable, quality food and drink, covering everything from food safety, environmental protection, animal welfare as well as ...

  • Tesco store

    Tesco finally introduces traffic light labels


    After years of resistance Tesco has finally succumbed to pressure from its customers and introduced a traffic light system for its products.This brings it in line with ASDA, Marks & Spencer and Sainsbury's who have used red, green and amber colour coding to indicate nutritional labels for many years.Tesco's chief ...

  • News

    Perfect storm warning for poultry sector


    "We have all been reading about the drought in the USA knocking out much of the corn crop and hitting soya production. Couple this with a very slow start, reduced yields for the harvest in northern Europe due to prolonged heavy rain, a few climatic glitches elsewhere in the producing ...

  • News

    YouGov report claims provenance key for many consumers


    A recent report by YouGov SixthSense in to consumers’ attitudes towards food provenance has found that the origin of their food is the key consideration for the majority of UK consumers buying meat and poultry products.According to the report 59% of consumers prefer to buy UK-sourced meat and poultry compared ...

  • EBLEX booklet

    EBLEX booklet has key beef and sheep facts


    A pocket book of key facts of about the strength and vitality of the beef and sheep industry has been produced to highlight the huge benefits the sector brings to the country.Proud of Beef and Lamb includes ten key facts, from export levels to water use and the number of ...

  • News

    NFU backs MEP attempts to change sheep EID rules


    The NFU has put its full backing behind MEP attempts to change the EU’s rules on sheep EID (electronic identification).After heavy lobbying from the NFU, NFU Cymru, NFU Scotland and the Ulster Farmers Union, MEPs from across the UK have tabled amendments to the Common Agricultural Policy which would introduce ...

  • Pot Roast Shoulder of Lamb

    Five star lamb tour


    Hugh Judd, foodservice project manager for EBLEX, is embarking on an educational tour of the country in a bid to get lamb back on menus in foodservice establishments.Reduced supply, leading to higher prices, has seen lamb become somewhat of a premium meat of late but, with good numbers of new ...

  • News

    Cranswick and Yorkshire Baker to work together


    Meat manufacturer, Cranswick plc is to supply the meat for the new production plant to be built by Yorkshire Baker in North Yorkshire. It’s estimated that over 300 jobs will be created as a result.Yorkshire Baker will be boosting its production of meat-based pastry products at the Norton plant and ...

  • Tom Copas white turkeys2

    Three gold stars for Copas Turkeys


    Copas Traditional Turkeys has been awarded a 3 Gold Star rating at the Great Taste Awards for its Traditional White Turkeys.The Great Taste Awards (GTAs), given by the The Guild of Fine Food, had 8807 entries this year. Only 123 products - including Copas Traditional Turkeys - received three Gold ...

  • Tim Kelly

    New independent member at AHDB


    Tim Kelly has joined the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) to become one of its three independent members.Kelly has thirty years experience including leadership roles at Premier Foods, RHM, Diageo and Coca Cola and Schweppes Beverages. He was appointed with effect from 13th August and will attend his first ...

  • News

    Eire’s largest poultry supplier in administration


    According to recent Irish news reports Ireland’s largest poultry supplier, Cappoquin Poultry Holdings Ltd., is in dire straits following the appointment of an interim examiner by a High Court.It is believed the business has debts of up to six million euros. According to The Irish Independent, papers, lodged with the ...

  • News

    Calling all butchers - 1 week to get your British Sausage week entries in!


    Butchers have just a week left to stand up for their quality bangers and put them forward for the hotly contested competition to mark British Sausage Week 2012.The competition is looking for pork sausages that are a real ‘class act’ as well as ‘iconic’ sausages that pay homage to a ...

  • News

    New Danish poultry forum


    EuroDan Poultry Forum (EDPF) is a new non-governmental organisation, founded by a group of poultry producers and companies in Denmark and other EU countries.EDPF claims it has completely different or partly different political views about the framework conditions in relation to the companies represented by Danish Poultry Meat Association.EuroDan Poultry ...

  • DIck van Leeuwen with Matthew Dobson, managing director designate at Dunbia.

    Northern Ireland masterclass


    Over 30 local butchers from all corners of Northern Ireland gathered at Dunbia’s facilities in Dungannon this week to experience Dick Van Leeuwen’s talent and explosive attitude towards butchery.Renowned for his skill and innovative flair the EBLEX master butcher put on a display that has provided local butchers with some ...

  • News

    New export manager at QMS


    Peter Toholt has been appointed as Quality Meat Scotland's export manager to develop new markets for Scotch beef and lamb in Germany.The appointment is as a result of a collaboration between Scottish Development International (SDI) and Quality Meat Scotland (QMS).Toholt has considerable experience of the European red meat market having ...

  • News

    NFU warns of delays due to EU-Mercosur turmoil


    The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) has voiced its concerns over the further delays to the EU-Mercosur talks and the impact that will have on the agricultural sector and beef producers in particular. This follows the decision by members of the Mercosur bloc to agree to Venezuela’s accession following the suspension ...

  • News

    JBS profits up for Q2


    The world’s largest beef producer, JBS, SA of Brazil has announced a profit of 169.5 million Brazilian reals ($83.64 million) for its second quarter. According to Reuters that compares with a loss of 181 million ($89,263,700) for the same period in 2011.The business attributed its achievements to having expanded its ...

  • News

    IMS partnership will measure livestock environmental impacts


    The International Meat Secretariat (IMS) has joined forces with other international associations as part of a FAO-led partnership to improve measurement and performance of the environmental impacts of the livestock industry.The International Meat Secretariat has the mandate to represent the global beef, lamb, and pork associations. Other international associations will ...

  • Keith Fisher

    New Institute of Meat website


    The Institute of Meat, the professional body for people in the meat industry, has a new website.The aims of the Institute is to maintain, develop and establish standards, skills and technology with the meat industry. It will also provide Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for its members.Chief executive, Keith Fisher said: ...

  • News

    Germans continue strong meat eating habits


    The international trade fair trio, InterMeat, InterCool and InterMopro takes place in Dusseldorf, Germany from 23rd to 25th September. It aims to highlight some key lessons for the meat products trade.With a turnover of EUR 33.5 billion, the meat products sector continues to be the leader in the German food ...