All News articles – Page 40

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    NPA welcomes Defra pork supply chain review


    The National Pig Association (NPA) has welcomed Defra’s commitment to take action to repair what is widely seen as "a broken pork supply chain."The Department has published a summary of responses to its consultation on contractual practice in the pork supply chain, setting out the next steps, which address most ...

  • HCC21051 New report sheds light on future of beef farming

    Buoyant global demand brings cheer to beef sector


    A new analysis of the outlook for the beef sector in Wales and the rest of the UK, compiled by levy board Hybu Cig Cymru-Meat Promotion Wales (HCC), has pointed to crucial global factors which may give farmers cause for optimism, despite uncertainties at home.Over the past 12 months, farmgate ...

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    LMC attends Loughry food careers fair


    Representatives from the Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC) attended the recent food careers fair at CAFRE Loughry campus.Communications manager, Linda Surphlis and education and consumer promotions manager, Sarah Toland attended the CAFRE Loughry food careers fair.Education and consumer promotions manager, Sarah Toland and communications manager, Linda Surphlis represented the Commission ...

  • Sheep in a field.

    Additional investment needed to support agriculture meet net zero targets, says NSA


    The National Sheep Association (NSA) is calling for additional investment to support agricultural businesses in meeting the sector’s net zero targets.Following last week’s launch of the Government’s strategies for green investment and frameworks for nature markets on what was labelled ‘Green day’, NSA has welcomed the plans but believes they ...

  • HFGS Factory Shot

    Hilton Food Group interim results indicate positive growth


    Hilton Food Group has reported continued year-on-year sales growth driven by higher raw material prices and volume growth, partly attributed to full year volumes from foodservice catering butcher Fairfax Meadow.Inside the Hilton Food Group factory.The company’s preliminary results for the 52 weeks ending 1st January 2023 stated: “We have demonstrated ...

  • HCC23018 HCC to Support Teachers by Linking up with Countryside Classroom

    Support for teachers as HCC links up with Countryside Classroom


    As part of its programme of work to help children to learn about farming, food and the environment, Welsh red meat body Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has linked up with UK-wide platform Countryside Classroom to make its learning resources more accessible.Countryside Classroom helps teachers to find ...

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    Sainsbury’s goes trayless on whole chickens


    Sainsbury’s has announced that its by Sainsbury’s whole chicken range is now trayless, after the retailer removed single-use plastic trays from its packaging. Using a minimum of 50% less plastic, the change is estimated to save 140 tonnes of plastic annually.Sainsbury's hopes to save over 10 million pieces of plastic ...

  • Shane Brennan Cold Chain Federation MM.

    UK Government publishes draft proposals for new border controls


    The UK Government, in collaboration with the Scottish and Welsh Governments, has published its plan to enforce checks on products entering the UK.The Government said that the plans will “strengthen [UK] borders against biosecurity threats and illegal imports.”According to a Government statement, the draft Border Target Operating Model sets out ...

  • Nine Kings V3

    Food Industry Awards reveals finalist list for 2023


    The finalists of this year’s annual FMT Food Industry Awards have now been announced in advance of the prestigious 5-star ceremony, which will take place on 6th June during a black-tie dinner in London at the Royal Lancaster Hotel.The Royal Lancaster will be this year's venue for the FMT Food ...

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    Kepak celebrates its 10 years of investment in the North East


    Kepak Group, a leading Irish food company is celebrating 10 years of continued investment in, and commitment to, the North-East region following its acquisition of McCarren Meats in 2013.Kepak and McCarren Meats personnel L-R: Simon Walker, Sean Coffey, Robbie Grogan, Peadar Harten, Brian Tormey, Niamh Keating.Kepak, best known as a ...

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    Hunt is on for the world's best haggis


    Open season has been declared on the Scottish haggis as the hunt begins to track down the finest.Fife butcher and current Scottish Haggis Champion Tom Courts gets in the mood for the World Haggis Championship.The first ever Haggis World Championship will be staged in Perth on May 14th when producers ...

  • 1 2022 HCC Scholar Charlie Cooper Harding

    HCC’s international Scholarship open for applications


    Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has opened its travel scholarship for applications from 3rd April 2023 and the hunt for its 2023 Scholarship winner is now on.2022 HCC Scholar Charlie Cooper-Harding.Open to anyone above the age of 18 working in the red meat sector in Wales, the ...

  • Butcher slicing meat

    FSA to consult industry on a new food hygiene delivery model


    Issued just shortly after the food fraud scandal of last week the FSA has launched a 12-week consultation to deliver a more modern food hygiene delivery model. Katie Pettifer, FSA director for Strategy and Regulatory Compliance said: “The food landscape has changed dramatically in the three decades since the current ...

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    CIEH joins the call for FSA to work more closely with industry over food fraud


    The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) has called for the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and the Food Crime Unit to work more closely with industry following the recent news tha a rogue meat supplier has allegedly been supplying British supermarket and food manufacturers with mislabelled mixed meat produce. The ...

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    Liam Stokes to stand down as CEO of British Game Assurance


    After three years at the helm, Liam Stokes is to step down as CEO of British Game Assurance. Louisa Clutterbuck will be his successor.Liam Stokes is to step down from his role as CEO of British Game Assurance.Commenting on his departure Stokes said: "After three years running this vital organisation, ...

  • Peter Thomas

    Peter Thomas of Peter's Food Service has died


    Meat Management is saddened to report the death of Peter Thomas, founder of pies and pastries business Peter’s Food Service. Peter Thomas.Speaking in tribute to Peter current managing director of the company, Mike Grimwood said: “Peter was a humble gentleman, who with his brother Stan, built upon his father’s vision ...

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    Chief executive of FSA responds to food fraud revelations


    Emily Miles, the chief executive of the Food Standards Agency has responded to allegations that a UK food manufacturer has been passing off large quantities of foreign pork as British – sometimes in excess of tens of thousands of tonnes a week.Emily Miles, FSA chief executive.Following initial revelations by Farmers ...

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    Food fraud investigations should be a ‘wakeup call’ for industry


    An investigation by Farmers Weekly has revealed that allegedly, a UK food manufacturer has been passing off large quantities of foreign pork as British – sometimes in excess of tens of thousands of tonnes a week.Meat trade associations are warning that this should be a wakeup call for the sector ...

  • HCC23016 Brecon Beacons Farmer Hosts Dutch Trade Delegation 1

    Brecon Beacons farmer hosts Dutch trade delegation


    A large group of food industry executives, buyers and butchers from the Netherlands embarked on a tour of Wales last week, to find out more about Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef.Dutch food industry representatives, HCC and processors at Newton Farm in the Brecon Beacons.The tour, organised by Hybu Cig Cymru ...

  • Meat Management Awards 23 RGB

    Comedian Mark Watson to host September meat industry awards ceremony


    Popular comedian and novelist Mark Watson has been announced as the host of this year’s much anticipated Meat Management Industry Awards ceremony and dinner, which takes place in Birmingham on 12th September.Comedian and novelist Mark Watson will host the 2023 Meat Management Industry Awards.Mark is a past Edinburgh Festival Award ...