Craft Butchers from England and Wales have recently found out if they brought home a category win in the recent National Craft Butchers (NCB) Product Awards.

A headshot of NCB MD Eleanor O'Brien

Eleanor O'Brien, NCB managing director.

NCB Product Awards 2023 categories covered Game Product, Celebration Wellington, Hot Eating Pie, Cold Eating Pie, Traditional Sausage, Innovative Sausage and Dry Cured Back Bacon.

After the judging process, which included a blind taste-testing of all entries by a panel of industry experts, the products that achieved the NCB gold standard went on to be re-evaluated by Head Judge Keith Fisher and NCB’s Claire Holland.

This year also saw the introduction of a ‘Judges Choice’ with each judge choosing their ‘standout’ product throughout the day, before unanimously choosing one winner.

The 2023 NCB Winners are:

  • Game Product – Owen Taylor and Sons: Stuffed Pheasant breast
  • Celebration Wellington – Greens of Pangbourne: Beef Wellington
  • Hot Eating Pie – J W Mettricks: Chicken, Ham & Broccoli Pie
  • Cold Eating Pie – Owen and Taylor & Son: Chicken & Chorizo Pork Pie
  • Traditional Sausage – Surrey Hills Butchers: Hogs Back Herbie Sausage
  • Innovative Sausage – Bosworths Butchers: Flexitarian Pork with Mediterranean Vegetables
  • Dry Cured Back Bacon – Essington Farm: Smoked Dry Cured Back Bacon
  • Judges Choice – Bosworths Butchers: Pork & Chilli Pie

Representatives from the National Craft Butchers organisation have conducted shop visits to announce the winners and present the trophies and certificates.

Eleanor O’Brien, managing director of the NCB commented: “Thank you to everyone who participated this year, these awards are a great opportunity to celebrate our members and their amazing craft. We’d also like to thank our sponsors and supporters for their continued backing.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
