Those attending the National Craft Butchers (NCB) annual Members Day at Ironmongers' Hall in London were given a sneak preview into the results of its national survey of independent retailers.

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Delegates at NCB's 2023 Members Day at Ironmongers' Hall, London.

While reporting generally steady trading conditions across the country, with 56% indicating a higher turnover in 2022 than 2021, the survey also highlighted the positive impact of independent butchers on the local economy, local communities and in reducing the weekly shop’s carbon footprint.

Eleanor O’Brien, managing director of National Craft Butchers, commented: “We’re delighted to be publishing the results of our second Big British Butchers Survey, as this provides us with comparative results for the first time and offers a valuable health-check on independent butchery at a time when the cost-of-living crisis bears down on us all."

Survey highlights

In contrast to the substantial food miles associated with most supermarket meat products, the Big British Butchers Survey 2023 found that 88% of respondents prioritised local produce, a slight increase from 87% in 2021, with the majority estimating their average food mile at under 25 miles. 80% also reported taking decisive action to reduce their carbon footprint over the past two years, with 70% moving to recycled or compostable packaging, 55% improving their waste management practices and 30% investing in electric vehicles or renewable energy.

The survey also found community support and involvement alive and well amongst the nation’s independent butchers, as 84% of respondents claimed to be actively supporting their local community. Among the most commonly reported initiatives, 74% supported local charities, 48% sponsored a local sports team and 30% worked with a local food bank or provided replacement school meals.

Positive impact

While clearly underlining the positive impact that independent butchers are having on their local areas, the Big British Butchers Survey has once again shone a spotlight on the challenges facing this embattled industry. 20% have changed their business hours in the past 12 months, with 38% citing rising energy costs as an influential factor and 22% pointing to staffing issues. Reliance on small abattoirs remains a big issue for many as well, with 67% believing that a local abattoir closure would substantially affect their business.

Age also appears to represent a sizeable threat to the future of independent butchery in the UK, as 50% of surveyed business owners were aged 56 or above and 26% plan to retire in the next five years. Similarly, 60% believe the average age of their customer base to be between 46-59, suggesting the need for significant customer acquisition in order to maintain current levels of income over the coming years.

Online activity

This year’s survey results would suggest that independent butchers are working hard to mitigate these factors through an online presence, with 70% having a website, 96% using social media channels and 42% offering an ecommerce platform, up from 38% in 2021. 82% said that they would welcome an apprentice into the business, although only 33% had one in place at the time of the survey, down from 35% in 2021.

O'Brien continued: "We believe the results appropriately reflect the fantastic work that butchers are doing on high streets and in communities across the UK, from cutting food miles and carbon emissions to supporting local initiatives. There’s plenty of room for positivity and optimism here, but the threats are very real. The future of independent butchery in the UK will be reliant on support from local communities and timely policy making in government, if we’re to avoid the continual erosion of this traditional and highly skilled craft.”


The Members Day was attended by around 60 delegates who were able to hear presentations from NCB’s partners Horsham District Council and Safer Food Scores explaining how important being under a Primary Authority for retailers can be as well as outlining some useful tools to help simplify food safety and health & safety management systems.

Mark Turnbull from Impact Retail Training and Turnbull's of Alnwick also gave the audience an entertaining guide on how to get and keep all the customers a retailer could ever need! His aim was to get across how foot traffic can be dramatically increased without the need to spend a fortune.

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NCB president David Gigli presents past president, George Derham with a certificate in recognition of his services to National Craft Butchers.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.