With their Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), international premium brands, Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef are sold globally at retail and in foodservice. Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) says they are now two of the most traceable meats in the world.

HCC21039 Welsh Beef traceability backed by forensic science 1

L-R: Grant Cochrane, Oritain CEO with Gwyn Howells, HCC chief executive .

In 2018, HCC formed a pioneering partnership with food technology specialists Oritain in the protection of Welsh Lamb to authenticate genuine products through forensic science. After the success of the programme, they are now set to expand its reach to include Welsh Beef, providing an extra layer of reassurance to an already strong system of traceability from farm to fork.

Amongst the world leaders in scientific traceability, Oritain uses a combination of forensic science and statistical models to trace and analyse the origin of products and raw materials. Oritain analyses the naturally-occurring elements in Welsh Beef that the cattle absorb from their environment. This forensic science is the same science that’s been used in the criminal investigations field for over 40 years. It is reported to be incredibly accurate and robust, and doesn’t rely on extra barcodes or packaging—the product can be tested at any point in the supply chain.

This means that Welsh farmers can be confident that the quality meat they rear and sell—and the reputation this affords—is protected as it moves through the supply chain, providing both buyers and consumers with the assurance that the Welsh Beef and Welsh Lamb they buy is the same meat that has been reared in Wales.

"They have proved that our supply chain has an exceptionally high degree of integrity, and the partnership was recognised with a top food technology award in 2019."

Gwyn Howells, HCC chief executive, said: “Since we took the bold step of partnering with Oritain to provide an extra layer of scientific assurance to our strong system of traceability for Welsh Lamb—the first PGI meat product to take this step—we’ve been delighted with the results. They have proved that our supply chain has an exceptionally high degree of integrity, and the partnership was recognised with a top food technology award in 2019.

“Now we’re proud to take the next step and expand our partnership to include Welsh Beef as well as Welsh Lamb. This system, which is simpler than DNA testing and doesn’t rely on barcodes or labels, will give the ultimate reassurance to clients at home and abroad. If it’s high-quality, sustainable Welsh meat you want, that’s what you’ll get.”

Oritain CEO, Grant Cochrane, said: “HCC has always been a progressive, forward thinking organisation. We can see this in their PGI status, the work they do in-market raising awareness of Welsh meat, and with their emphasis on quality and authenticity. That’s why they partnered with us back in 2018 and why they are now expanding this partnership to Welsh Beef. They are a truly valued partner of ours and we love seeing them continue to grow from strength to strength.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.