The Welsh Lamb brand is comparing favourably with its core international competitors in boosting exports, says HCC.

HCC chief executive, Gwyn Howells.

HCC chief executive, Gwyn Howells.

HCC’s chief executive Gwyn Howells told the organisation’s annual conference recently that the Welsh Lamb brand is delivering substantial returns on its key promotional activities to boost exports.

Howells said that recent figures from an independent analysis by auditing body Deloittes on international red meat marketing efforts showed HCC’s work to be leading those of other national counterparts with a return on investment rate of 5.4 to one.

Meat and Livestock Australia’s beef promotion in Japan and Korea, for instance, returned 4.7 to one.

At the conference, Howells told of the successes of previous HCC targeted export projects, showing examples of media coverage of a previous three-year HCC Welsh Government supported project that achieved £38 million returns for a total investment of £1.2 million.

He said: “Exports are vital to the stability and sustainability of the red meat industry in Wales and these statistics show that HCC is achieving pretty good returns for every pound we invest in support of the brands.”

The chief executive pointed out that only 5% of sheep bred in Wales is consumed in Wales, while 60% is consumed in the rest of the UK, and 30-35% exported.

Howells concentrated on work carried out and opportunities that existed in three key non-EU territories; USA, China and Saudi Arabia.

“The challenges post-Brexit reside in ensuring continued and unfettered free access to the Eurozone,” Howells said. “If tariffs were to be introduced on a WTO model then we could find we are faced with additional charges of as much as 45% on product exported to Europe.”

Addressing the domestic marketplace, Howells said it was important that HCC helped the industry to produce products that could meet changing consumer tastes and accommodate lifestyle needs.

“We have begun a twelve month detailed analysis seeking new opportunities; in this period we will accumulate pertinent consumer data and collaborate with the entire supply chain, working with processors and seek retail expertise and marketing and promotion,” said Howells.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.