A report on UK consumer tastes and trends by Kantar Worldpanel has revealed that midweek ready-to-cook gastro-meals, 30 minute easycook suppers and small joint, weekend roasts with a twist are three Welsh Lamb product development areas that could add significant value to the Welsh red meat supply chain.

Welsh Lamb. Credit: HCC.

The analysis was commissioned by Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) to help identify any shortcomings in new product development capacity within the industry.

The findings will be shared at the organisation’s annual conference on Thursday 10th November at T? Menai, Parc Menai, Bangor.

HCC will also use the information to begin a 12 month survey and appraisal of the industry’s opportunities, aiming to add value to the existing market offering.

“Kantar Worldpanel is a long-standing and highly respected partner for the Welsh industry and their latest substantial consumer insight offers a very useful starting point to our ambition to spot any new consumer-driven opportunities in the marketplace” said Gwyn Howells, HCC’s chief executive.

“They have identified midweek meals, quick cook solutions and new weekend roast trends that could boost the UK industry returns by as much as £148 million.

“We’ll go through the data carefully and then meet with our partners in the Welsh industry to relate opportunities in a bid to extend the returns for every Welsh lamb reared and sold.”

The conference will also discuss key themes and issues affecting the industry in Wales and will feature speakers including Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths AM; David Hughes, emeritus professor of food marketing at Imperial College London; HCC’s chief executive, Gwyn Howells; Welsh Government director of Agriculture, Food and Marine, Andrew Slade; HCC’s export agent in Scandinavia, Ken Sørensen; and HCC scholars and farmers Huw Williams and Richard Roderick.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.