All Wales articles – Page 5

  • cows in field

    New 'smart solutions' can drive industry's net zero ambitions


    Livestock farmers are the custodians of the nation’s carbon and by using a set of new ‘smart solutions’ they can deliver net zero targets and help halt unfounded and unfair criticism of the industry, farming and environmental expert Professor John Gilliland told Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales’ (HCC) ...

  • Screenshot 2022 11 09 at 17.17.47

    HCC releases its compendium of red meat stats, facts and data


    There were more than three times the number of sheep as people in Wales last year, contributing an estimated £744 million to Welsh red meat production and accounting for 43 per cent of the total value of Welsh agricultural output during 2021.Those are just three of the many facts that ...

  • InstMeat Genus 04 051122

    IoM members visit animal genetics company - Genus ABS


    Institute of Meat (IoM) members recently had the opportunity of visiting Genus ABS in Llanrhydd, which is renown as a world leading animal genetics company. IoM members in the bull viewing gallery.The business supplies high-quality breeding animals to farmers with desirable characteristics, with the aim of enabling them to produce ...

  • HCC19090 Eccellente – Butchers Unite to Promote Welsh Lamb 3

    Conversation opens on future-proofing HCC’s key stakeholder work


    An eight-week seeking of stakeholders’ views on how to protect work on the development, marketing and sustainability of the red meat industry in Wales against the erosions of inflation has been opened by Hybu Cig Cymru-Meat Promotion Wales (HCC).The Wales red meat levy board is proposing that a new mechanism ...

  • HCC22055 Top Trade Policy Expert to Address HCC Conference 1

    Trade policy specialist to address HCC conference


    One of the UK’s leading authorities on international trade policy will speak at Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales’ (HCC) annual conference in November.David Henig.David Henig, the director of the UK Trade Policy Project at the think-tank European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) is the latest presenter to ...

  • Welsh Sheep

    Latest UK export figures confirm boost for beef and lamb sectors


    Trade figures for the first four months of 2022, analysed by Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) as part of its latest Monthly Market Bulletin, show exports of lamb and beef from the UK increasing, as the disruptive effects of Covid on international trade eases.For the period from ...

  • group chickens m

    AIPZ declared across GB to tackle cases of bird flu


    The chief veterinary officers from Wales, England and Scotland have announced an Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) across the whole of Great Britain to mitigate the risk of the disease spreading amongst poultry and captive birds.It is now a legal requirement for all bird keepers in Great Britain to follow ...

  • Gower Salt marshes image

    Gower Salt Marsh Lamb secures international protection


    The lamb product has become the first new food to receive the UK GI status after the end of the transition period with the EU.Dan Pritchard from Weobley Castle Farm, who produce Gower Salt Marsh Lamb.The new, independent Geographical Indication (GI) schemes were launched after the end of the transition ...

  • HCC21055 Two Welsh Farms Join Major Research Project 2 redone

    Welsh farms join progeny test funded by meat industry levy boards


    Two Welsh farms have joined the third phase of the RamCompare scheme, a major agricultural research project funded by the levy boards Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC), AHDB and QMS.Owners of the second selected farm, Stephen and Louise Abberley, with HCC research and development officer, Nia Davies.RamCompare ...

  • Catherine Smith

    Keep quality as Wales’ watchword, says HCC chair


    Quality is the watchword of Welsh farming and the UK must guard against importing lower farming standards as it opens up trade to the rest of the world, the chair of Hybu CigCymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) told stakeholders attending the virtual Royal Welsh Agricultural Show.Catherine Smith, HCC chair.With ...

  • HCC21051 New report sheds light on future of beef farming

    New report sheds light on future of beef farming


    A new report conducted by Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has highlighted the importance of beef supply, as well as demand, when forecasting the future of the sector.The importance of beef supply, as well as demand, has been highlighted by a new report published by HCC.Domestic supplies ...

  • Chris Roberts 1

    HCC to help a meaty challenge


    Following on from last year’s inaugural Meat the Challenge, barbecue and TV star Chris Roberts is back, partnered by Welsh red meat levy body Hybu Cig Cymru (HCC). Chris Roberts, the 'Flamebaster."The response to last year’s challenge for people to ‘pimp up’ their steak sandwiches was strong and this year’s ...

  • HCC Welsh meat survey MM

    80% of Welsh consumers want to buy local beef, survey says


    A joint survey by Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) and the Welsh government has revealed the majority of shoppers in Wales are 'keen to purchase' Welsh beef to support local farmers.The research also showed the most positive associations that shoppers had of the PGI Welsh Beef brand ...

  • HCC Value of Red Meat Sector

    Value of red meat sector to Welsh economy rose during pandemic


    According to analysis by Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales (HCC), the value of the beef, lamb and pork sectors to the Welsh economy rose in 2020.New figures from the Welsh Government ‘Aggregate Agricultural Output and Income’ report show that the total value of agricultural output in Wales for ...

  • HCC17103 Lamb fans get expert help on how to cook long and slow 2

    Excellent Easter for lamb sales


    Lamb proved a popular choice for consumers over Easter with retail sales soaring above the last two years. According to Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) this demand has been reflected at livestock markets where farmgate prices are still standing strong.PGI Welsh Lamb.HCC reported that in the 12 ...

  • Catherine Smith

    New HCC chair sets out priorities


    At her first Board meeting as the new chair of Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC), Catherine Smith has laid out the levy board’s priorities for the new financial year.Catherine Smith Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) chair.The meeting – held virtually due to Covid restrictions ...

  • HCC21039 Welsh Beef traceability backed by forensic science 1

    Welsh Beef traceability backed by forensic science


    With their Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), international premium brands, Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef are sold globally at retail and in foodservice. Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) says they are now two of the most traceable meats in the world.L-R: Grant Cochrane, Oritain CEO with Gwyn Howells, ...

  • Asdas new Extra Special Welsh Half Lamb Leg copy

    Asda launches Welsh lamb product for Easter


    Asda supermarkets will be stocking a new half Welsh Lamb leg joint in time for Easter celebrations as part of the store’s ‘Extra Special’ range.The lamb will be available from 27th March to 5th April and the launch coincides with new data which found lamb to be one of the ...

  • Screenshot 2021 03 22 at 10.45.12

    Board appointments for HCC announced


    Lesley Griffiths, the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, has announced the appointment of two new directors to the Board of Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC).Emlyn Roberts will join HCC's board from April.Emlyn Roberts and Jack Evershed will take up their positions on 1st April, bringing ...

  • HCC Sheep

    Virtual workshops promote lamb supply-chain collaboration


    Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has been turning to new technology during the Covid-19 pandemic in order to promote dialogue between Welsh sheep farmers and processing companies.Welsh sheep farmers have been working with processors to improve sustainability.A series of virtual workshops held over Microsoft Teams and Zoom ...