All News articles – Page 98

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    Butchers and apprentices crowned at annual Scottish Training Awards


    A Coatbridge trainee butcher who helped ensure housebound customers were properly fed throughout the coronavirus pandemic has been recognised with a special honour in the recent Scottish Craft Butchers Training Awards.Extra Mile Award winner Nicky Presland from Hugh Black & Son in Coatbridge.Customers of Hugh Black & Son Butchers in ...

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    BVA hails animal welfare mandate for Scottish abattoirs


    The British Veterinary Association (BVA) has welcomed legislation that will make CCTV compulsory in abattoirs in Scotland, following a sustained campaign by the organisation.The ‘Mandatory Use of Closed Circuit Television in Slaughterhouses (Scotland) Regulations 2020’ will require all abattoirs in Scotland to install and operate CCTVs and to retain footage ...

  • Adam Couch 3  1

    Cranswick records growth despite Covid-19 setbacks


    One of the UK’s largest meat processors, Cranswick, has recorded a growth of sales of 21% to £931.6 million despite feeling the force of the Covid-19 pandemic throughout the year.Adam Couch, Cranswick CEO.A number of Cranswick sites were forced to close earlier this year as a result of the pandemic, ...

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    Meat businesses urged to prepare for new recruitment regulations now


    Butchers and meat businesses across the UK could be faced with additional labour shortages if they do not prepare their businesses for new immigration rules which are set to come into place following the Brexit transition period, according to an immigration law expert.The Migration Advisory Committee – which advises the ...

  • WIMIA 2020 partners desktop

    Pre-register now for the Women in Meat Industry Awards 2020


    This year’s Women in Meat Industry Awards ceremony is just one week away, with the online results set to be announced live on Wednesday 2nd December at 4:30pm.[vimeo 480225620 w=640 h=360]The annual initiative recognises the immense contribution from women across the British meat industry by crowing ten winners out of ...

  • ian wright

    3,000 food brands hit out at Government advertising ban


    With the support of some of the UK’s biggest food brands, the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) has written to the Prime Minister to highlight concerns regarding the proposed advertising ban consultation for so called junk food.FDF chief executive, Ian Wright CBE.The new plans aim to promote healthier food choices ...

  • Nick Allen headshot

    Meat industry calls on Government for early vaccine access


    News of a new covid-19 vaccine immediately raises the question of how best to allocate the first batches of doses when they become available.Nick Allen, CEO of the British Meat Processors Association.In a letter to the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, the British Meat Processors Association, along with the ...

  • HCC20102 The Magnificent Seven principles that can help Welsh red meat lead the world

    Food expert maps out Wales’ path to leading global red meat industry


    International food expert, Chris Elliott OBE, offered seven principles that would help the Welsh red meat industry lead the world with “a sustainable food supply system based on integrity” in his address to Hybu Cig Cymru-Meat Promotion Wales (HCC)’s virtual conference last week.Professor Chris Elliott OBE outlines seven steps for ...

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    Record earnings for Danish Crown during pandemic


    Pork processor Danish Crown has reported earnings of more than DKK 60 billion (c.£7.2 billion) despite challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the company’s financial results for 2019/20.Jais Valeur, group CEO of Danish Crown.Revenue for the company increased by 8% to DKK 60.8 billion, with operating profits also ...

  • HCC20007 Doors open on new research programme as consumers test Welsh Lambs top taste reputation

    Consumers opt for meat during lockdown


    Negative media surrounding the meat industry fell over the lockdown period, according to analysts from the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB). Research has revealed that fewer consumers reduced their average consumption of red meat.The research, which was discussed as part of AHDB’s consumer insight webinar series, also found that ...

  • LMC Chief Executive Ian Stevenson

    Trade bodies say PGI for Irish grass-fed beef should include Northern Ireland


    The Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland (LMC), the Northern Ireland Meat Exporters Association (NIMEA) and the Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) are calling for applications to register Irish grass-fed beef as a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) to include Northern Ireland.LMC chief executive, Ian Stevenson.The application has been prepared by ...

  • Scottish livestock

    QMS launches virtual farming tool


    Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) has unveiled a free online tool for livestock farmers which will help them to boost their bottom line by improving livestock selection and management for slaughter.Developed by QMS and launched at this year’s online AgriScot event, the practical ‘Meat the Grade’ virtual tool will highlight key ...

  • WIMIA 2020 partners desktop

    Women in Meat Industry Awards 2020: two weeks until ceremony


    Organisers behind the Women in Meat Industry Awards 2020 have confirmed the running order for the forthcoming online ceremony and revealed a list of other important details ahead of the event, which takes place in two weeks time on 2nd December at 4:30pm.[vimeo 480225620 w=640 h=360]The ceremony, which is the ...

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    Government reveals new rules for seasonal workers


    Seasonal workers arriving in England to carry out vital work on farms ahead of Christmas will now be able to work as soon as they arrive in the country.The Association of Independent Meat Suppliers (AIMS) had previously called on the Government to extend the rules for seasonal agricultural workers coming ...

  • Phil Stocker Chief Exec NSA

    NSA and NFU hit out at Eustice over sheep farming comments


    Both the National Sheep Association (NSA) and the National Farmers Union Scotland (NFUS) have criticised Environment Secretary George Eustice over a “lack of understanding” on the subject of sheep farming in the UK and how it might be impacted by a no-deal Brexit.Phil Stocker, chief executive, NSA.Eustice appeared on the ...

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    Bristol meat plant fined £60,000 for hygiene breaches


    Bristol-based meat cutting plant, Elite Poultry Ltd, has been fined more than £60,000 for six breaches of hygiene regulations which took place in 2019, according to the Food Standards Agency (FSA).At a hearing on the 2nd November 2020, Bristol Magistrates’ Court ordered the company to pay a £53,000 fine, plus ...

  • Iain Macdonald 0919 lo

    Scotland’s red meat exports disrupted by pandemic


    Between August 2019 to July 2020, the total value of red meat and offal sold outside the UK by Scotland’s exporters fell 2% below the five-year average, according to the latest market commentary from Quality Meat Scotland (QMS).Ian MacDonald, senior economics analyst with QMS.Having risen strongly in the previous year, ...

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    Market access measures due to Covid-19 explored by AHDB


    Meat exporters in the UK will have the opportunity to learn about new ways of working as a result of Covid-19 during the latest in a series of AHDB export webinars.Next month, AHDB will host ‘Trading under Covid-19’, to highlight some of the key changes adopted within market access measures ...

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    Eville & Jones moves into NI with DAERA contract


    Nationwide veterinary inspection services company, Eville & Jones, has been appointed by the Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), which oversees the Food Standards Agency’s (FSA) meat and dairy hygiene inspection in the Province to support it in slaughterhouses.The contract will see Eville & Jones supply ...

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    Women in Meat Industry Awards goes social


    The organisers behind the Women in Meat Industry Awards have created new Twitter and LinkedIn platforms for the initiative in order to encourage additional interest and engagement before and during the ceremony, which moves online for the first time this year.Readers can follow these pages using the handle @WIMIAwards on ...