Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has reported the termination of two directors on Companies House, as well as the departure of CEO Gwyn Howells.

Gwyn Howells MM Resize

Gwyn Howells, former HCC CEO.

The red meat trade body confirmed the departure of directors Rhys Davies and Prys Morgan, who stepped down as board members as of Wednesday 12th June. Davies is an agricultural surveyor specialising in health and safety, and Prys Morgan is a procurement director at Kepak UK.

The news comes as HCC CEO Gwyn Howells is reported to have stepped down from his senior position on Friday 14th June. Howells had previously been on extended sickness leave for a year.

In recent months, the trade body has also faced allegations of "bullying".

HCC interim chief executive Heather Anstey-Myers said: "Hybu Cig Cymru continues to work tirelessly to deliver for our levy payers and promote the red meat industry in Wales, across the UK and around the world. This vital work remains HCC’s primary focus as we prepare for the Royal Welsh Show next month.

"We’ve informed our stakeholders this afternoon that Gwyn Howells has made the decision to stand down as the chief executive of HCC."

Anstey-Myers continued: "Gwyn has been away from work since last summer. However, he’s made a huge contribution working in the industry for many decades.

"We can confirm that two members of our board, Rhys Davies and Prys Morgan, decided to step down last week. We’d like to thank them for their service to the industry and wish them well for the future.”

She concluded: "I will remain in the role of interim chief executive to provide continuity and I’m grateful to the board, stakeholders, the senior leadership team and all colleagues for their support."