All News articles – Page 215

  • DSC_3183

    Advanced Butcher Apprenticeship launches


    The Butchery Employer Trailblazer Group (BETG) has received final Government approval for the Advanced Butcher Apprenticeship – only three months on from its original submission.Following a successful appeal led by the Food and Drink Training and Education Council (ftc), the Advanced Butcher Apprenticeship will also attract increased funding. The maximum ...

  • News

    Game meat project launched to help boost Welsh economy


    The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has recently teamed up with a communications agency in Wales in order to boost the value of game meat in the country’s economy by 2020.BASC and Four Cymru are joining together to bring game meat to the attention of consumers in Wales.The ...

  • As part of the Skills for Work Month 2 Sisters Food Group delivered more than 350 learning opportunities for young unemployed people across 29 of its sites in the UK.

    2 Sisters helps unemployed young people find work


    UK food manufacturer, 2 Sisters Food Group, in partnership with the Jobcentre and IGD, has helped to provide young unemployed people with the practical skills needed to help them find work.As part of food research and training charity, IGD’s, Feeding Britain’s Future campaign, 2 Sisters Food Group took part in ...

  • Great Yorks 2013 judging pic 2

    Great Yorkshire Competition deadline fast approaching


    Butchers have until the Saturday 22nd October to submit their postal entries for the 2016 Great Yorkshire Pork Pie, Sausage & Products Competition, which takes place on 30th October at the Cedar Court Hotel in Bradford.The 28th annual Great Yorkshire Competition will feature pork pie, sausage, black pudding and beef ...

  • Ranjit Singh Boparan.

    Bernard Matthews acquisition to be investigated


    The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is investigating the acquisition of Bernard Matthews by Ranjit Boparan.Ranjit Singh Boparan.Boparan Private Office, the private investment vehicle of Boparan, bought the Bernard Matthews business and assets through a pre-pack sale in September.The case is being investigated as, according to CMA, there is ‘reasonable ...

  • rib-joint-raw m

    Ireland to introduce mandatory meat-origin labelling


    Ireland’s government has informed the European Commission that it intends to introduce mandatory country-of-origin labels for certain meat products.The new legislation will apply to fresh, chilled and frozen meat products.Ireland's Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine said: “The country intends to adopt national measures to cover mandatory origin labelling ...

  • Stuart Ashworth, head of economic services, QMS.

    UK prime pig prices expected to remain firm


    Farmgate prices for prime pigs currently stand at their highest level since December 2014, according to the latest analysis by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS).Stuart Ashworth, head of economic services, QMS.Following steady, week-on-week increases since the low point of March 2016, pig prices have risen by 28%, and currently stand 12.5% ...

  • News

    FSA seeks vet and meat hygiene inspector supplier for meat sector


    The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has put out an official invitation to tender for the supply of contract official veterinarians and contract meat hygiene inspectors to work in meat establishments in England and Wales.These contracted roles will work closely with FSA staff to provide the assurance that meat produced is ...

  • Co-op

    Scottish bacon range launched in Co-op


    The Co-op has launched a new 100% Scottish Ayrshire-style bacon made from Specially Selected Pork as part of its commitment to switch all its fresh bacon and lamb to 100% British, from 1st May 2017.The bacon, which is produced under the retailer’s own Irresistible brand, will bear the Specially Selected ...

  • pigs

    Danish Crown and Tican set to enter arbitration


    Danish Crown and Tican are set to go to arbitration after Tican claimed it is due compensation following the failure of a proposed merger between the two companies, it has been reported in the press.The two Danish cooperative slaughterhouse companies were set to merge last year, however the deal was ...

  • Graham pictured with his wife Valerie at the 2009 Meat Management Awards.

    Graham Roach dies aged 69


    Graham Roach, the founder of Cornish bacon and ham business, Roach Foods, has died, aged 69.Graham pictured with his wife Valerie at the 2009 Meat Management Industry Awards.A liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Butchers and past BDCI festival chairman, Roach founded the successful pork business, which sold pre-packed bacon ...

  • Turkey meat.

    Bernard Matthews sale was ‘carefully crafted’


    The Work and Pensions Committee has released a report which describes the acquisition of Bernard Matthews as having been “carefully crafted to enable secured creditors and controllers of Bernard Matthews to extract maximum cash from the company and dump the pension scheme and other liabilities.”The report, written by Professor Prem ...

  • Marking the launch of Aldi’s range of Welsh Lamb products at its Cardiff Bay store with the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs and representatives of Aldi, HCC, FUW and NFU Cymru.

    Aldi introduces Welsh Lamb to stores


    Aldi has introduced a range of branded Welsh Lamb products in 29 stores in south and west Wales; a move which has received praise from Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) and government.Marking the launch of Aldi’s range of Welsh Lamb products at its Cardiff Bay store with ...

  • Mark Etherington and Paralympic bronze medallist, Melissa Reid.

    Paralympic success for athlete sponsored by meat firm


    Paralympic bronze medallist Melissa Reid has praised Cornish meat business, the Brian Etherington Meat Company, for its sponsorship and support in the build up to the Rio Paralympics this summer.Mark Etherington and Paralympic bronze medallist, Melissa Reid.Reid, who is visually impaired, competed alongside her guide Nicola Walters in the PT5 ...

  • News

    Meat sector acquisitions generate £74 million


    Oghma Partners' latest T2 Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Review of the UK Food and Beverage Sector has recorded two significant deals within the meat industry: BRF Invicta’s purchase of Universal Meats (UK) Ltd and Cranswick’s purchase of CCL Holdings (Crown).Global food company BRF Invicta Ltd acquired Universal Meats (UK) Ltd ...

  • Scotch Beef.

    Tesco, Aldi and Lidl top supporters of Scotch Beef


    A shelf watch conducted by NFU Scotland at the stores of nine retailers has found that 74% of the beef stocked was Scotch Beef.Tesco, Aldi and Lidl were the top supporters of Scotch Beef, stocking nearly 100% of the product at the stores surveyed.Despite the overall high levels of support ...

  • Beef mini roast.

    AHDB reports mini roast success ahead of TV campaign


    Britons tucked into more roast dinners last year – but fewer of them were on a Sunday – according to analysis from the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) and Kantar Worldpanel.The TV campaign will showcase the versatility of the beef and lamb mini roasts and their potential as a ...

  • Emeritus professor of food marketing at Imperial College London, David Hughes who will outline the challenges and opportunities for Welsh exporters in international markets.

    HCC conference to address red meat industry’s future


    Key issues and themes that are affecting the meat industry in Wales will be discussed against a political, UK and global landscape during the Hybu Cig Cymru- Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) conference this year.The event, that occurs annually, will be held on 10th November in Bangor.Emeritus professor of food marketing ...

  • News

    ABP and Fane Valley's acquisition of Stanley business approved


    The European Commission has cleared the proposed acquisition of Slaney Foods JV and Slaney Proteins (Ireland) by meat processor ABP Group and agri-food company Fane Valley after concluding that it would not adversely impact effective competition in the EU’s single market.An investigation under the EU Merger Regulation was carried out ...

  • Lamb chops.

    Lamb prices fall


    The liveweight lamb market has seen further falls in the week ending 5th October 2016 despite the number of lambs coming to market decreasing compared to the previous seven days, AHDB Beef and Lamb has reported.In the week ended 5th October, the GB SQQ (Standard Quality Quotation) fell by 4p ...